
Nonstop execution of %run -m python when openning tutorials with Jupyter Notebook in .venv in VS Code

Opened this issue · 1 comments


Big thanks, first of all, for your contributions.

I encountered a run-time issue when playing with pyleecan in VS Code. Below outlines how the issue arose:

  1. Open folder Tutorials in VS Code
  2. Set up virtual environment .venv with Python interpreter 3.8.10
  3. Install pyleecan by running pip install pyleecan in terminal (in VS Code)
  4. Make sure pyleecan is correctly installed by running python -m pyleecan
  5. Open 01_tuto_Machine.ipynb and run the first cell Version information

Every step above worked well. However, the next cell which is Start the GUI went wrong: it did open the GUI but not stop running. The non-stop operation of this cell blocked the following cells from being executed.

I wonder if you could have a look at this. Thank you for your prompt attention to my request.





Thank you for your interest in pyleecan. In fact, it is the expected behavior: this cell is meant to open the GUI to enable the user to try it. Normally when closing the GUI the cell execution should end. At some point this cell was commented in the notebook as it is a no mandatory step of the tutorial so you can skip it.

Best regards,