

Opened this issue · 1 comments


Well when I run ( https://pyleecan.org/05_tuto_Elec.html) tutorial. I'am getting below error after I execute cell 11. And subsequent cells also throw errors. Do you have latest tutorials that relly runs without any errors or please suggest what is the best way forward.
Have you guys changed anything in the code?....

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[38], line 31
28 print(OP_matrix)
30 # Add DataKeeper to track I0/Phi0/Tem
---> 31 I0_dk = DataKeeper(
32 name="Stator current rms amplitude",
33 symbol="I0",
34 unit="Arms",
35 keeper="lambda output: output.elec.OP.get_I0_Phi0()['I0']",
36 )
37 Phi0_dk = DataKeeper(
38 name="Stator current phase",
39 symbol="Phi0",
40 unit="rad",
41 keeper="lambda output: output.elec.OP.get_I0_Phi0()['Phi0']",
42 )
43 Tem_dk = DataKeeper(
44 name="Computed torque",
45 symbol="Tem_av",
46 unit="rad",
47 keeper="lambda output: output.elec.Tem_av",
48 )

File c:\users\haris\downloads\pyleecan-1.4.2.tar\pyleecan-1.4.2\pyleecan-1.4.2\pyleecan\Classes\DataKeeper.py:106, in DataKeeper.init(self, name, symbol, unit, keeper, error_keeper, result, result_ref, physic, init_dict, init_str)
104 self.symbol = symbol
105 self.unit = unit
--> 106 self.keeper = keeper
107 self.error_keeper = error_keeper
108 self.result = result

File c:\users\haris\downloads\pyleecan-1.4.2.tar\pyleecan-1.4.2\pyleecan-1.4.2\pyleecan\Classes_frozen.py:35, in FrozenClass.setattr(self, key, value)
31 if self.__isfrozen and not hasattr(self, key):
32 raise FrozenError(
33 self.class.name + ' class has no "' + key + '" ' "property"
34 )
---> 35 object.setattr(self, key, value)

TypeError: 'property' object is not callable

resolved the issue