
Feature Request: Enhanced Disassembly View Esp. For Debugging Without Source Code

trustednstaller opened this issue · 0 comments

I would like to see the disassembly view much more enhanced so that one can debug solely through it i.e., when one doesn't have the source code or doesn't care for it. It should also be modifiable in that a user can annotate it as they're debugging i.e., adding comments to the right of it (; <user_comment>), adding posteroir/anterior comments above and below the disassembly, adding renaming memory locations, etc.

Also, it would be very useful to see symbol information within the disassembly view itself i.e., here's an example using Windbg's data model disassembler where there are symbols associated with the binary:

[0x7ffc86f2c528] : push     rbx
[0x7ffc86f2c52a] : sub      rsp,90h
[0x7ffc86f2c531] : mov      rax,qword ptr [combase!__security_cookie (7ffc87205400)]
[0x7ffc86f2c538] : xor      rax,rsp
[0x7ffc86f2c53b] : mov      qword ptr [rsp+80h],rax
[0x7ffc86f2c543] : mov      rbx,newAceOut (r8)
[0x7ffc86f2c546] : mov      dword ptr [sidBufferSize (rsp+20h)],44h
[0x7ffc86f2c54e] : lea      r8,[sidBuffer{[0]} (rsp+30h)]
[0x7ffc86f2c553] : xor      edx,edx
[0x7ffc86f2c555] : lea      r9,[sidBufferSize (rsp+20h)]

Even in cases where there is no symbolic information for the binary itself (completely stripped and we don't have the associated debug file), I would like for raddbg to at least show some symbolic information i.e., calls to particular memory locations should show symbolic information. Here are the same binaries in windbg and raddbg:

   00007ff7`351d13a0 4883ec28        sub     rsp,28h
   00007ff7`351d13a4 e80b060000      call    notepad!__security_init_cookie (00007ff7`351d19b4)
   00007ff7`351d13a9 4883c428        add     rsp,28h
   00007ff7`351d13ad e92efeffff      jmp     notepad!__wmainCRTStartup (00007ff7`351d11e0)
00007FF7351D13A0  sub rsp, 0x28
00007FF7351D13A4  call 0x7ff7351d19b4
00007FF7351D13A9  add rsp, 0x28
00007FF7351D13AD  jmp 0x7ff7351d11e0

Calls to any APIs within another module should be seen within the disassembly view:

0x7ffc861e4bb0  call    KERNELBASE!BaseSetLastNTError (00007ffc`861e6990)
0x7ffc861e4be3  call    ntdll!RtlInitUnicodeStringEx (00007ffc`88a4a820)
0x7ffc861e4bf5  call    KERNELBASE!BaseSetLastNTError (00007ffc`861e6990)
0x7ffc861e4c3a  call    ntdll!RtlDosPathNameToRelativeNtPathName_U_WithStatus (00007ffc`88a4b6c0)
0x7ffc861e4c64  call    KERNELBASE!BaseSetLastNTError (00007ffc`861e6990)
0x7ffc861e4d9f  call    ntdll!NtQueryInformationFile (00007ffc`88acf570)
0x7ffc861e4dd8  call    ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap (00007ffc`88a6c610)
0x7ffc861e4e17  call    ntdll!NtQueryEaFile (00007ffc`88ad1d00)
0x7ffc861e4e3b  call    ntdll!RtlFreeHeap (00007ffc`88a6aac0)
0x7ffc861e4f0d  call    ntdll!RtlReleaseRelativeName (00007ffc`88a5e240)
0x7ffc861e4f2c  call    ntdll!RtlFreeHeap (00007ffc`88a6aac0)
0x7ffc861e4f3d  call    KERNELBASE!BaseSetLastNTError (00007ffc`861e6990)
0x7ffc861e5029  call    ntdll!SbSelectProcedure (00007ffc`88a5ec50)
0x7ffc861e5049  call    ntdll!LdrpDispatchUserCallTarget (00007ffc`88abed30)
0x7ffc861e5099  call    ntdll!NtCreateFile (00007ffc`88acfdf0)
0x7ffc861e5108  call    ntdll!NtCreateFile (00007ffc`88acfdf0)
0x7ffc861e511a  call    ntdll!RtlReleaseRelativeName (00007ffc`88a5e240)
0x7ffc861e5139  call    ntdll!RtlFreeHeap (00007ffc`88a6aac0)
0x7ffc861e5157  call    ntdll!RtlFreeHeap (00007ffc`88a6aac0)
0x7ffc861e5169  call    KERNELBASE!BaseSetLastNTError (00007ffc`861e6990)
0x7ffc861e5196  call    ntdll!RtlSetLastWin32Error (00007ffc`88a832e0)
0x7ffc861e51bf  call    ntdll!RtlSetLastWin32Error (00007ffc`88a832e0)
0x7ffc861e51f0  call    ntdll!NtSetInformationFile (00007ffc`88acf830)

Similar case with raddbg:

00007FF7351D148C  push rbx
00007FF7351D148E  sub rsp, 0x20
00007FF7351D1492  mov rbx, rcx
00007FF7351D1495  xor ecx, ecx
00007FF7351D1497  call qword ptr [rip+0xea4b]   <=== 
00007FF7351D149D  mov rcx, rbx
00007FF7351D14A0  call qword ptr [rip+0xea32]   <===
00007FF7351D14A6  call qword ptr [rip+0xebfc]   <===
00007FF7351D14AC  mov rcx, rax
00007FF7351D14AF  mov edx, 0xc0000409
00007FF7351D14B4  add rsp, 0x20
00007FF7351D14B8  pop rbx
00007FF7351D14B9  jmp qword ptr [rip+0xebe0]    <===

raddbg also has the nice hover feature of registers in the disassembly view, it would be nice to add that to memory addresses as well in the disassembly view allowing one to "peek" into the code of a function without having to go there.

It would further be nice, if in the Address column of the Call Stack view, double-clicking the address pulls up the associated disassembly view instead of the source file (which is what it does). Again, for cases where there is no source file.

Furthermore, as a suggestion, I would recommend the Zydis disassembler (excellent C library) over udis as it is far more robust, much more thoroughly tested disassembler for x86.