
The PDB name is red and callstack/symbols not available

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Screenshot 2024-05-30 145249

What's the problem here, did it fail to understand the PDB?

This suggests that either windows.pdb was not found, or it was not successfully converted to an RDI file. The more information you can provide me about windows.pdb, the better, so can you do any of the following:

  • Send me windows.pdb
  • Send me windows.rdi, if it exists (if it doesn't, tell me that also)
  • Tell me more about how you are building the project (compiler, version, compilation flags)
  • Build & run rdi_from_pdb --pdb:windows.pdb --out:windows.rdi, and see if it successfully completes

I tried it again and it works now, I guess it's not a bug in your program but VS was holding a write file handle or something. Worth detecting and displaying a message next to the PDB path?