
Incremental model mocking fails with include_missing_columns set to true

strictness opened this issue · 4 comments

We're running into problems when we try to mock our incremental models and have the include_missing_columns flag set to true. We get an "Object does not exist or not authorized error" (Snowflake).

It seems that when this flag is enabled the sql builder macro omits the {{ this }} reference, and does not mock the initial state of the incremental model.

This issue can be replicated with your own incremental model example in the README and enabling the above option.

Hi @strictness, could you please tell me which version are you using? I believe this happens in v0.2.8 but it's fixed in v0.2.9. Can you verify this?

Thank you!

Hi @psousa50, we are using v0.2.9.

I'll mention the vars added to dbt_project.yml for completeness:

    input_format: "csv"
    column_separator: "|"
    line_separator: "\n"
    type_separator: "::"
    include_missing_columns: true
    use_database_models: false