
Gotron-builder does not create a self-contained application

kayline opened this issue · 2 comments

When we run gotron-builder on Mac, we get a folder containing a Unix executable file with the name of our app and subfolder called electronjs which contains an Application file called gotron-browser-window. We can run the executable file to start the application locally, but if we try to copy it to another machine without the accompanying gotron-browser-window Application file, it will not run.

We would like the output to be a portable Application file that we could copy to any Mac and run independently. How can we achieve this?

Note: When we attempt to build for windows, we have a similar issue.

pjebs commented


gotron and gotron-builder work like this:

  1. gotron-builder creates one executable e.g. your_app containing the go binary
  2. gotron-builder downloads electron and bundles it with your UI in a directory name electronjs
    3: When starting your_app, gotron knows if your are in develop or production mode. When in production mode it will run ./electronjs/gotron-browser-window to bring up electron UI.

So you need to copy the executable your_app+ the folder electronjs together.

But be aware there is actually a bug which might prevent you from doing this, see #27 .