
Can send values to backend?

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I can send strings, booleans, ints or another value or variable to backend?
I use the events but I don't understand what is the method to send values, I only can run a code whit a event but without a value from the Frontend

I create a form, the form get Username and password

When click "Send" with a event to backend, the event run the code but don't send the values to golang

How I compare this values with the values in the backend?

Or how i can send the values?

Thanks! :D

Temporal solution:

Javascript Code:

event: "Chrome",
variables: v
})) (v is a parameter of a function)

I added Variables string json:"variables"`` into Event struct
I added a global variable into gotron.go var UserVar = make(chan Event) after to Event struct
In function "onSocket" after of:

//Handle Message
err = json.Unmarshal(message, &event)
errz.Fatal(err, "Unmashal: ")
logger.Debug().Msgf("ElectronSocket: [received] %+v", event)

I added:
go func() { UserVar <- event }()

I call the variable in my code this way:
window.On(&Evento, func(bin []byte) {
item := <-gotron.UserVar
