
Error getting metric PrecPromContRegu

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I'm trying to get the "Precio Promedio Contratos Regulado" But the API is returning that the Metric ID was not found

post_data = {'MetricId': 'PrecPromContRegu', 'StartDate': '2021-07-18', 'EndDate': '2021-08-17', 'Entity': 'Sistema'}

res =requests.post('http://servapibi.xm.com.co/daily', data=post_data)


{'Message': 'Id de Métrica no encontrada.'}

Can someone help me?
Thank you!

PrecPromContNoRegu (Precio Promedio Contratos No Regulado) metric is also returning the same error.

Dear @martimfj,

Thanks for writing us, we were making an adjustment in both metrics because their natural granularities are hourly.

Best regards,

Equipo de Analítica de XM