
encfs is unable to write file contents to the mounted Google Drive directory

Opened this issue · 7 comments

I'd like to have an encrypted directory in my Google Drive (via encfs), but I think there's some compatibility issue in conjunction with node-gdrive-fuse.

I've got my Google Drive mounted (via node-gdrive-fuse) at /tmp/mnt.
And I've done a mkdir /tmp/mnt/test.
And a mkdir ~/mnt.
Then I do an encfs /tmp/mnt ~/mnt.
That all works fine. The problem is that any attempt to write content to any files in ~/mnt fails. I can create empty files (using touch) or directories (using mkdir), but nothing else works.

For example, touch test works and creates an empty file called test. But echo test > test doesn't work. It errors with bash: test: No such file or directory, producing just an empty file.

encfs does seem to be able to read files, though. I did an experiment where I created an encfs locally, and then copied that directory over to /tmp/mnt. I then mounted that encfs, and I was able to cat the contents of the files.

I'm posting the contents of the node-gdrive-fuse log, and the debug output from encfs, below. For the test that produced these logs, I mounted a new encfs in ~/mnt and then issued just three commands:
touch test
echo test > test (fails -- file already exists)
echo test > test2 (fails -- errors as above)


{"level":"info","message":"loading upload tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:08:42.914Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Loading folder structure","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:08:42.925Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"Getting changes from Google Drive. The last change id was 13190.","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:08:42.990Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"There was 1 to parse","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:08:43.292Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"/Operating Systems/.encfs6.xml was updated","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:08:43.292Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"saving folder tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:08:43.293Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"Finished parsing changes from google","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:08:43.299Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"attempting to start f4js","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:08:43.427Z"}
{"killed":false,"code":1,"signal":null,"level":"error","message":"unmount error:","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:08:43.445Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"mount point: /tmp/mnt","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:08:43.454Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"creating folder /test","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:08:58.157Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"saving folder tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:08:58.942Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"Getting changes from Google Drive. The last change id was 13190.","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:09:48.747Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"There was 2 to parse","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:09:48.965Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"/Operating Systems/.encfs6.xml was updated","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:09:48.965Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"/test was updated","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:09:48.965Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"saving folder tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:09:48.966Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"Finished parsing changes from google","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:09:48.973Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"adding .encfs6.xml to /test, 1605","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:10:45.434Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"saving upload tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:10:45.435Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"tried to open file \"/test/.encfs6.xml\" for writing","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:10:45.436Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"/test/.encfs6.xml was in the upload tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:10:45.438Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"saving folder tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:10:45.438Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Starting to upload file .encfs6.xml","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:10:50.482Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"saving upload tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:10:50.776Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"successfully uploaded file /test/.encfs6.xml","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:10:51.689Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"successfully uploaded /test/.encfs6.xml","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:10:51.690Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"saving upload tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:10:51.690Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"/test/.encfs6.xml folderTree already existed","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:10:51.690Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"saving folder tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:10:51.691Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"Getting changes from Google Drive. The last change id was 13191.","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:11:03.422Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"There was 2 to parse","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:11:03.642Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"/test was updated","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:11:03.642Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"/test/.encfs6.xml was updated","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:11:03.642Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"saving folder tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:11:03.643Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"Finished parsing changes from google","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:11:03.652Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"adding ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a to /test, 1605","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:11:04.140Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"saving upload tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:11:04.143Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"tried to open file \"/test/ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a\" for writing","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:11:04.144Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"/test/ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a was in the upload tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:11:04.144Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"saving folder tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:11:04.144Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"saving upload tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:11:04.175Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"creating folder /test/iXxYCzDTUshPASdyQRxeIqWi","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:11:09.662Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"saving folder tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:11:10.366Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"Getting changes from Google Drive. The last change id was 13196.","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:12:04.583Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"There was 2 to parse","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:12:04.811Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"/test/.encfs6.xml was updated","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:12:04.811Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"/test/iXxYCzDTUshPASdyQRxeIqWi was updated","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:12:04.812Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"saving folder tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:12:04.812Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"Finished parsing changes from google","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:12:04.817Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"Getting changes from Google Drive. The last change id was 13197.","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:13:07.293Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"There was 1 to parse","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:13:07.529Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"/test/iXxYCzDTUshPASdyQRxeIqWi was updated","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:13:07.530Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"saving folder tree","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:13:07.531Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"Finished parsing changes from google","timestamp":"2015-01-08T07:13:07.540Z"}

encfs log

user@machine:/tmp/mnt> encfs -f -v -s /tmp/mnt/test /home/user/mnt
01:10:37 (main.cpp:523) Root directory: /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:37 (main.cpp:524) Fuse arguments: (fg) (UP) (keyCheck) encfs /home/user/mnt -f -s -o use_ino -o default_permissions 
Creating new encrypted volume.
Please choose from one of the following options:
 enter "x" for expert configuration mode,
 enter "p" for pre-configured paranoia mode,
 anything else, or an empty line will select standard mode.
?> p

Paranoia configuration selected.
01:10:39 (SSL_Cipher.cpp:370) allocated cipher ssl/aes, keySize 32, ivlength 16
01:10:39 (FileUtils.cpp:1123) Using cipher AES, key size 256, block size 1024

Configuration finished.  The filesystem to be created has
the following properties:
01:10:39 (Interface.cpp:165) checking if ssl/aes(3:0:2) implements ssl/aes(3:0:2)
01:10:39 (SSL_Cipher.cpp:370) allocated cipher ssl/aes, keySize 24, ivlength 16
Filesystem cipher: "ssl/aes", version 3:0:2
01:10:39 (Interface.cpp:165) checking if nameio/block(3:0:1) implements nameio/block(3:0:1)
Filename encoding: "nameio/block", version 3:0:1
01:10:39 (Interface.cpp:165) checking if ssl/aes(3:0:2) implements ssl/aes(3:0:2)
01:10:39 (SSL_Cipher.cpp:370) allocated cipher ssl/aes, keySize 32, ivlength 16
Key Size: 256 bits
Block Size: 1024 bytes, including 8 byte MAC header
Each file contains 8 byte header with unique IV data.
Filenames encoded using IV chaining mode.
File data IV is chained to filename IV.
File holes passed through to ciphertext.

-------------------------- WARNING --------------------------
The external initialization-vector chaining option has been
enabled.  This option disables the use of hard links on the
filesystem. Without hard links, some programs may not work.
The programs 'mutt' and 'procmail' are known to fail.  For
more information, please see the encfs mailing list.
If you would like to choose another configuration setting,
please press CTRL-C now to abort and start over.

Now you will need to enter a password for your filesystem.
You will need to remember this password, as there is absolutely
no recovery mechanism.  However, the password can be changed
later using encfsctl.

01:10:39 (FileUtils.cpp:1180) useStdin: 0
New Encfs Password: 
Verify Encfs Password: 
01:10:41 (Interface.cpp:165) checking if ssl/aes(3:0:2) implements ssl/aes(3:0:2)
01:10:41 (SSL_Cipher.cpp:370) allocated cipher ssl/aes, keySize 32, ivlength 16
01:10:45 (Interface.cpp:165) checking if nameio/block(3:0:1) implements nameio/block(3:0:1)
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/gh6cOQUEwzoXnJRMuOUCGpyzgsE-cK3CL6FPdXUW5f7c4-: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 1294657150784982232, fileIV = 0
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/gh6cOQUEwzoXnJRMuOUCGpyzgsE-cK3CL6FPdXUW5f7c4-
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/gh6cOQUEwzoXnJRMuOUCGpyzgsE-cK3CL6FPdXUW5f7c4-
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/gh6cOQUEwzoXnJRMuOUCGpyzgsE-cK3CL6FPdXUW5f7c4-: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/Z-BBpAQlBaO5HJJcZXFmzJ4C: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 17415513374878032879, fileIV = 0
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/Z-BBpAQlBaO5HJJcZXFmzJ4C
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/Z-BBpAQlBaO5HJJcZXFmzJ4C
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/Z-BBpAQlBaO5HJJcZXFmzJ4C: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/Sej93rOMqA4Mfrz3oC-cZjYg: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 15765609039005405262, fileIV = 0
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/Sej93rOMqA4Mfrz3oC-cZjYg
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/Sej93rOMqA4Mfrz3oC-cZjYg
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/Sej93rOMqA4Mfrz3oC-cZjYg: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/BBuwLFZGUw7REiXGl95A7oMC: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 16931385051220055792, fileIV = 0
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/BBuwLFZGUw7REiXGl95A7oMC
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/BBuwLFZGUw7REiXGl95A7oMC
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/BBuwLFZGUw7REiXGl95A7oMC: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/uosoGbB8v2oeRs-tSqtTtANx: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 2428154680183850721, fileIV = 0
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/uosoGbB8v2oeRs-tSqtTtANx
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/uosoGbB8v2oeRs-tSqtTtANx
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/uosoGbB8v2oeRs-tSqtTtANx: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/uosoGbB8v2oeRs-tSqtTtANx: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 2428154680183850721, fileIV = 0
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/uosoGbB8v2oeRs-tSqtTtANx
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/uosoGbB8v2oeRs-tSqtTtANx
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/uosoGbB8v2oeRs-tSqtTtANx: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/uosoGbB8v2oeRs-tSqtTtANx: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 2428154680183850721, fileIV = 0
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/uosoGbB8v2oeRs-tSqtTtANx
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/uosoGbB8v2oeRs-tSqtTtANx
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/uosoGbB8v2oeRs-tSqtTtANx: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:10:45 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:10:45 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/Z-BBpAQlBaO5HJJcZXFmzJ4C: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 17415513374878032879, fileIV = 0
01:10:45 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/Z-BBpAQlBaO5HJJcZXFmzJ4C
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/Z-BBpAQlBaO5HJJcZXFmzJ4C
01:10:45 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/Z-BBpAQlBaO5HJJcZXFmzJ4C: No such file or directory
01:10:45 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
01:11:00 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:11:00 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:11:00 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:11:00 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:11:01 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/test/
01:11:01 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
01:11:04 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:11:04 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:11:04 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:11:04 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:11:04 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:11:04 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:11:04 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a: No such file or directory
01:11:04 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 10198413189657694346, fileIV = 0
01:11:04 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a
01:11:04 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a
01:11:04 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a: No such file or directory
01:11:04 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
01:11:04 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:11:04 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:11:04 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a: No such file or directory
01:11:04 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 10198413189657694346, fileIV = 0
01:11:04 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a
01:11:04 (encfs.cpp:258) mknod on /tmp/mnt/test/ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a, mode 33188, dev 0
01:11:04 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:11:04 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:11:04 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 10198413189657694346, fileIV = 0
01:11:04 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a
01:11:04 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a
01:11:04 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:11:04 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:11:04 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 10198413189657694346, fileIV = 0
01:11:04 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a
01:11:04 (RawFileIO.cpp:129) open call for writable file
01:11:04 (RawFileIO.cpp:151) open file with flags 2, result = -1
01:11:04 (RawFileIO.cpp:175) ::open error: No such file or directory
01:11:04 (RawFileIO.cpp:180) file /tmp/mnt/test/ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a open failure: 2
01:11:05 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:11:05 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:11:05 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:11:05 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:11:05 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:11:05 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:11:05 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 10198413189657694346, fileIV = 0
01:11:05 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a
01:11:05 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/ZITAukQ4T5GUKvmKuN-snr4a
01:11:09 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:11:09 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:11:09 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:11:09 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/
01:11:09 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:11:09 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:11:09 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/iXxYCzDTUshPASdyQRxeIqWi: No such file or directory
01:11:09 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 6035443372623241710, fileIV = 0
01:11:09 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/iXxYCzDTUshPASdyQRxeIqWi
01:11:09 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/iXxYCzDTUshPASdyQRxeIqWi
01:11:09 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/test/iXxYCzDTUshPASdyQRxeIqWi: No such file or directory
01:11:09 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
01:11:09 (DirNode.cpp:580) mkdir on /tmp/mnt/test/iXxYCzDTUshPASdyQRxeIqWi
01:11:10 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:11:10 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:11:10 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/iXxYCzDTUshPASdyQRxeIqWi
01:11:10 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/iXxYCzDTUshPASdyQRxeIqWi
01:11:12 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
01:11:12 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
01:11:12 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/test/
01:11:12 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/test/

The one thing that is odd is that these commands do not work for you:
touch test echo test > test (fails -- file already exists) echo test > test2 (fails -- errors as above)

I can't reproduce the failure.
The encfs problems might be related to that.

Can you rerun those commands only and send the log associated with it?

I'll post the logs at the end of this post. First, though, I want to make sure there's no confusion.

Those second and third commands (the echo commands) only fail when I try them inside the encfs which is mounted from a Google Drive directory. They work if I try them on the local filesystem, an encfs which is mounted from a local directory, or directly inside the Google Drive mount. I've tried these commands on two machines and had the same trouble (one running openSuSE 13.1 x64, the other Debian sid x64), so hopefully it's not just a foolish configuration error on my part.

Hopefully that's clear.

Now, for these logs what I've done is made a new, empty directory in my Google Drive (called bugtest). Then I used encfs to create an encfs inside that directory, and mounted that encfs in ~/mnt.

So, step by step, here's what I did:

encfs -f -v -d -s /tmp/mnt/bugtest /home/gdrive/mnt

gdrive@amddev:~> cd mnt
gdrive@amddev:~/mnt> touch test
gdrive@amddev:~/mnt> echo test > test
bash: test: No such file or directory
gdrive@amddev:~/mnt> echo test > test2
bash: test2: No such file or directory
gdrive@amddev:~/mnt> cd

In contrast, if I run these commands directly inside /tmp/mnt, where the Google Drive is mounted, it works:

gdrive@amddev:/tmp/mnt/Random> touch test
gdrive@amddev:/tmp/mnt/Random> echo test > test
gdrive@amddev:/tmp/mnt/Random> echo test > test2

Interestingly, ecryptfs fails similarly to how encfs fails (or I'd just use that instead):

amddev:/tmp/mnt # mount -t ecryptfs /tmp/mnt/ecrypt /home/gdrive/mnt
Mounted eCryptfs
amddev:/tmp/mnt # cd /home/gdrive/mnt
amddev:/home/gdrive/mnt # touch test
touch: cannot touch ‘test’: No such file or directory

Here's the log from the coffee script (I changed the settings file so it debugged to stdout) when making the encfs and doing the mkdir / touch commands:

gdrive@amddev:~/build/node-gdrive-fuse/src> coffee 
2015-1-8T22:35::38 - info: loading upload tree
Access Token Set
2015-1-8T22:35::38 - info: Loading folder structure
2015-1-8T22:35::38 - debug: Getting changes from Google Drive. The last change id was 13265.
2015-1-8T22:35::38 - debug: There was 1 to parse
2015-1-8T22:35::38 - debug: /bugtest was updated
2015-1-8T22:35::38 - debug: saving folder tree
2015-1-8T22:35::38 - debug: Finished parsing changes from google
2015-1-8T22:35::38 - info: attempting to start f4js
2015-1-8T22:35::38 - error: unmount error: killed=false, code=1, signal=null
2015-1-8T22:35::38 - info: mount point: /tmp/mnt
2015-1-8T22:35::53 - debug: adding .encfs6.xml to /bugtest, 1613
2015-1-8T22:35::53 - debug: saving upload tree
2015-1-8T22:35::53 - debug: tried to open file "/bugtest/.encfs6.xml" for writing
2015-1-8T22:35::53 - debug: /bugtest/.encfs6.xml was in the upload tree
2015-1-8T22:35::53 - debug: saving folder tree
2015-1-8T22:35::58 - info: Starting to upload file .encfs6.xml
2015-1-8T22:35::58 - error: There was an error with getting a new resumable link
2015-1-8T22:35::58 - error:  errors=[domain=global, reason=authError, message=Invalid Credentials, locationType=header, location=Authorization], code=401, message=Invalid Credentials
2015-1-8T22:35::58 - debug: refreshing access token while getting resumable upload links
2015-1-8T22:35::58 - debug: succesfully saved config from
2015-1-8T22:35::59 - debug: saving upload tree
2015-1-8T22:36::0 - debug: successfully uploaded file /bugtest/.encfs6.xml
2015-1-8T22:36::0 - info: successfully uploaded /bugtest/.encfs6.xml
2015-1-8T22:36::0 - debug: saving upload tree
2015-1-8T22:36::0 - debug: /bugtest/.encfs6.xml folderTree already existed
2015-1-8T22:36::0 - debug: saving folder tree
2015-1-8T22:36::9 - debug: adding Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl to /bugtest, 1613
2015-1-8T22:36::9 - debug: saving upload tree
2015-1-8T22:36::9 - debug: tried to open file "/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl" for writing
2015-1-8T22:36::9 - debug: /bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl was in the upload tree
2015-1-8T22:36::9 - debug: saving folder tree
2015-1-8T22:36::9 - debug: saving upload tree
2015-1-8T22:36::20 - debug: adding ,GfhMwJFQm2HSVCoiU5bmsdQ to /bugtest, 1613
2015-1-8T22:36::20 - debug: saving upload tree
2015-1-8T22:36::20 - debug: tried to open file "/bugtest/,GfhMwJFQm2HSVCoiU5bmsdQ" for writing
2015-1-8T22:36::20 - debug: /bugtest/,GfhMwJFQm2HSVCoiU5bmsdQ was in the upload tree
2015-1-8T22:36::20 - debug: saving folder tree
2015-1-8T22:36::43 - debug: Getting changes from Google Drive. The last change id was 13265.
2015-1-8T22:36::44 - debug: There was 2 to parse
2015-1-8T22:36::44 - debug: /bugtest was updated
2015-1-8T22:36::44 - debug: /bugtest/.encfs6.xml was updated
2015-1-8T22:36::44 - debug: saving folder tree
2015-1-8T22:36::44 - debug: Finished parsing changes from google

Here's the output from encfs running in debug mode:

gdrive@amddev:~> encfs -f -v -d -s /tmp/mnt/bugtest /home/gdrive/mnt
22:35:43 (main.cpp:523) Root directory: /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:43 (main.cpp:524) Fuse arguments: (fg) (UP) (keyCheck) encfs /home/gdrive/mnt -f -d -s -o use_ino -o default_permissions 
Creating new encrypted volume.
Please choose from one of the following options:
 enter "x" for expert configuration mode,
 enter "p" for pre-configured paranoia mode,
 anything else, or an empty line will select standard mode.
?> p

Paranoia configuration selected.
22:35:45 (SSL_Cipher.cpp:370) allocated cipher ssl/aes, keySize 32, ivlength 16
22:35:45 (FileUtils.cpp:1123) Using cipher AES, key size 256, block size 1024

Configuration finished.  The filesystem to be created has
the following properties:
22:35:45 (Interface.cpp:165) checking if ssl/aes(3:0:2) implements ssl/aes(3:0:2)
22:35:45 (SSL_Cipher.cpp:370) allocated cipher ssl/aes, keySize 24, ivlength 16
Filesystem cipher: "ssl/aes", version 3:0:2
22:35:45 (Interface.cpp:165) checking if nameio/block(3:0:1) implements nameio/block(3:0:1)
Filename encoding: "nameio/block", version 3:0:1
22:35:45 (Interface.cpp:165) checking if ssl/aes(3:0:2) implements ssl/aes(3:0:2)
22:35:45 (SSL_Cipher.cpp:370) allocated cipher ssl/aes, keySize 32, ivlength 16
Key Size: 256 bits
Block Size: 1024 bytes, including 8 byte MAC header
Each file contains 8 byte header with unique IV data.
Filenames encoded using IV chaining mode.
File data IV is chained to filename IV.
File holes passed through to ciphertext.

-------------------------- WARNING --------------------------
The external initialization-vector chaining option has been
enabled.  This option disables the use of hard links on the
filesystem. Without hard links, some programs may not work.
The programs 'mutt' and 'procmail' are known to fail.  For
more information, please see the encfs mailing list.
If you would like to choose another configuration setting,
please press CTRL-C now to abort and start over.

Now you will need to enter a password for your filesystem.
You will need to remember this password, as there is absolutely
no recovery mechanism.  However, the password can be changed
later using encfsctl.

22:35:45 (FileUtils.cpp:1180) useStdin: 0
New Encfs Password: 
Verify Encfs Password: 
22:35:49 (Interface.cpp:165) checking if ssl/aes(3:0:2) implements ssl/aes(3:0:2)
22:35:49 (SSL_Cipher.cpp:370) allocated cipher ssl/aes, keySize 32, ivlength 16
22:35:53 (Interface.cpp:165) checking if nameio/block(3:0:1) implements nameio/block(3:0:1)
FUSE library version: 2.9.3
nullpath_ok: 0
nopath: 0
utime_omit_ok: 0
unique: 1, opcode: INIT (26), nodeid: 0, insize: 56, pid: 0
INIT: 7.22
   INIT: 7.19
   unique: 1, success, outsize: 40
unique: 2, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2995
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 2, success, outsize: 120
unique: 3, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2996
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 3, success, outsize: 120
unique: 4, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2997
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 4, success, outsize: 120
unique: 5, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 45, pid: 2995
getattr /AACS
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/v7nncjgLF2GzaB5eehVxlQG2: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 3464562822178606938, fileIV = 0
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/v7nncjgLF2GzaB5eehVxlQG2
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/v7nncjgLF2GzaB5eehVxlQG2
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/v7nncjgLF2GzaB5eehVxlQG2: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
   unique: 5, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 6, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 6, success, outsize: 32
unique: 7, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 46, pid: 2995
getattr /BDSVM
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/jTDXiK4pBi7Rf9NLftks178q: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 477729393751353411, fileIV = 0
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/jTDXiK4pBi7Rf9NLftks178q
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/jTDXiK4pBi7Rf9NLftks178q
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/jTDXiK4pBi7Rf9NLftks178q: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
   unique: 7, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 8, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 45, pid: 2995
getattr /BDMV
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KXLqnymSaLd4qxrQ2H6AQyPF: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 2051008911823633371, fileIV = 0
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KXLqnymSaLd4qxrQ2H6AQyPF
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KXLqnymSaLd4qxrQ2H6AQyPF
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KXLqnymSaLd4qxrQ2H6AQyPF: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
   unique: 8, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 9, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 57, pid: 2996
LOOKUP /.xdg-volume-info
getattr /.xdg-volume-info
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KloQv-4CaIurKxAR7rHyagIMPO0-3YvZIwHNWIMwmMIfZ,: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 3198294199873422122, fileIV = 0
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KloQv-4CaIurKxAR7rHyagIMPO0-3YvZIwHNWIMwmMIfZ,
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KloQv-4CaIurKxAR7rHyagIMPO0-3YvZIwHNWIMwmMIfZ,
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KloQv-4CaIurKxAR7rHyagIMPO0-3YvZIwHNWIMwmMIfZ,: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
   unique: 9, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 10, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 52, pid: 2997
LOOKUP /autorun.inf
getattr /autorun.inf
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Zbz,2Y1vkMD25MZ9gf5jFSB2: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 16314216577378144637, fileIV = 0
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Zbz,2Y1vkMD25MZ9gf5jFSB2
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Zbz,2Y1vkMD25MZ9gf5jFSB2
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Zbz,2Y1vkMD25MZ9gf5jFSB2: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
   unique: 10, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 11, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 11, success, outsize: 16
unique: 12, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 45, pid: 2995
getattr /BDMV
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KXLqnymSaLd4qxrQ2H6AQyPF: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 2051008911823633371, fileIV = 0
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KXLqnymSaLd4qxrQ2H6AQyPF
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KXLqnymSaLd4qxrQ2H6AQyPF
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KXLqnymSaLd4qxrQ2H6AQyPF: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
   unique: 12, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 13, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 13, success, outsize: 16
unique: 14, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 14, success, outsize: 120
unique: 15, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2995
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 15, success, outsize: 120
unique: 16, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 16, success, outsize: 32
unique: 17, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 45, pid: 2995
getattr /BDMV
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KXLqnymSaLd4qxrQ2H6AQyPF: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 2051008911823633371, fileIV = 0
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KXLqnymSaLd4qxrQ2H6AQyPF
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KXLqnymSaLd4qxrQ2H6AQyPF
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/KXLqnymSaLd4qxrQ2H6AQyPF: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
   unique: 17, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 18, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 18, success, outsize: 16
unique: 19, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 19, success, outsize: 16
unique: 20, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 20, success, outsize: 120
unique: 21, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 21, success, outsize: 32
unique: 22, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 22, success, outsize: 16
unique: 23, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 23, success, outsize: 16
unique: 24, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 24, success, outsize: 120
unique: 25, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 25, success, outsize: 32
unique: 26, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 26, success, outsize: 16
unique: 27, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 27, success, outsize: 16
unique: 28, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 28, success, outsize: 120
unique: 29, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 29, success, outsize: 32
unique: 30, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 30, success, outsize: 16
unique: 31, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 31, success, outsize: 16
unique: 32, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 32, success, outsize: 120
unique: 33, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 33, success, outsize: 32
unique: 34, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 34, success, outsize: 16
unique: 35, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 35, success, outsize: 16
unique: 36, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 36, success, outsize: 120
unique: 37, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 37, success, outsize: 32
unique: 38, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 38, success, outsize: 16
unique: 39, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 39, success, outsize: 16
unique: 40, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 40, success, outsize: 120
unique: 41, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 41, success, outsize: 32
unique: 42, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 42, success, outsize: 16
unique: 43, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 43, success, outsize: 16
unique: 44, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 44, success, outsize: 120
unique: 45, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 45, success, outsize: 32
unique: 46, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 46, success, outsize: 16
unique: 47, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 47, success, outsize: 16
unique: 48, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 48, success, outsize: 120
unique: 49, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 49, success, outsize: 32
unique: 50, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 50, success, outsize: 16
unique: 51, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 51, success, outsize: 16
unique: 52, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 52, success, outsize: 120
unique: 53, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 53, success, outsize: 32
unique: 54, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 54, success, outsize: 16
unique: 55, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 55, success, outsize: 16
unique: 56, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 56, success, outsize: 120
unique: 57, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 57, success, outsize: 32
unique: 58, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 58, success, outsize: 16
unique: 59, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 59, success, outsize: 16
unique: 60, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 60, success, outsize: 120
unique: 61, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 61, success, outsize: 32
unique: 62, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 62, success, outsize: 16
unique: 63, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 63, success, outsize: 16
unique: 64, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 64, success, outsize: 120
unique: 65, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 65, success, outsize: 32
unique: 66, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 66, success, outsize: 16
unique: 67, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 67, success, outsize: 16
unique: 68, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 68, success, outsize: 120
unique: 69, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 69, success, outsize: 32
unique: 70, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 70, success, outsize: 16
unique: 71, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 71, success, outsize: 16
unique: 72, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 72, success, outsize: 120
unique: 73, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 73, success, outsize: 32
unique: 74, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 74, success, outsize: 16
unique: 75, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 75, success, outsize: 16
unique: 76, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 76, success, outsize: 120
unique: 77, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 77, success, outsize: 32
unique: 78, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 78, success, outsize: 16
unique: 79, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 79, success, outsize: 16
unique: 80, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 80, success, outsize: 120
unique: 81, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 81, success, outsize: 32
unique: 82, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 82, success, outsize: 16
unique: 83, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 83, success, outsize: 16
unique: 84, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 84, success, outsize: 120
unique: 85, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 85, success, outsize: 32
unique: 86, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 86, success, outsize: 16
unique: 87, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 87, success, outsize: 16
unique: 88, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2546
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 88, success, outsize: 120
unique: 89, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2546
   unique: 89, success, outsize: 32
unique: 90, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2546
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 90, success, outsize: 16
unique: 91, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 91, success, outsize: 16
unique: 92, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2996
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 92, success, outsize: 120
unique: 93, opcode: OPENDIR (27), nodeid: 1, insize: 48, pid: 2996
   unique: 93, success, outsize: 32
unique: 94, opcode: READDIR (28), nodeid: 1, insize: 80, pid: 2997
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:213) getdir on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:132) error decoding filename: .encfs6.xml
   unique: 94, success, outsize: 16
unique: 95, opcode: RELEASEDIR (29), nodeid: 1, insize: 64, pid: 0
   unique: 95, success, outsize: 16
unique: 96, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2995
getattr /
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 96, success, outsize: 120
unique: 97, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 52, pid: 2995
LOOKUP /autorun.inf
getattr /autorun.inf
22:35:53 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:35:53 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Zbz,2Y1vkMD25MZ9gf5jFSB2: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 16314216577378144637, fileIV = 0
22:35:53 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Zbz,2Y1vkMD25MZ9gf5jFSB2
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Zbz,2Y1vkMD25MZ9gf5jFSB2
22:35:53 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Zbz,2Y1vkMD25MZ9gf5jFSB2: No such file or directory
22:35:53 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
   unique: 97, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 98, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2448
getattr /
22:36:09 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:36:09 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:36:09 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:36:09 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 98, success, outsize: 120
unique: 99, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 45, pid: 3000
LOOKUP /test
getattr /test
22:36:09 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:36:09 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:36:09 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl: No such file or directory
22:36:09 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 14426443683636404433, fileIV = 0
22:36:09 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl
22:36:09 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl
22:36:09 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl: No such file or directory
22:36:09 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
   unique: 99, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 100, opcode: CREATE (35), nodeid: 1, insize: 61, pid: 3000
   unique: 100, error: -38 (Function not implemented), outsize: 16
unique: 101, opcode: MKNOD (8), nodeid: 1, insize: 61, pid: 3000
mknod /test 0100644 0x0 umask=0022
22:36:09 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:36:09 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:36:09 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl: No such file or directory
22:36:09 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 14426443683636404433, fileIV = 0
22:36:09 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl
22:36:09 (encfs.cpp:258) mknod on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl, mode 33188, dev 0
getattr /test
22:36:09 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:36:09 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:36:09 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 14426443683636404433, fileIV = 0
22:36:09 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl
22:36:09 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl
   NODEID: 2
   unique: 101, success, outsize: 144
unique: 102, opcode: OPEN (14), nodeid: 2, insize: 48, pid: 3000
open flags: 0x8801 /test
22:36:09 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:36:09 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:36:09 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 14426443683636404433, fileIV = 0
22:36:09 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl
22:36:09 (RawFileIO.cpp:129) open call for writable file
22:36:09 (RawFileIO.cpp:151) open file with flags 2, result = -1
22:36:09 (RawFileIO.cpp:175) ::open error: No such file or directory
22:36:09 (RawFileIO.cpp:180) file /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl open failure: 2
   unique: 102, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 103, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 3000
getattr /
22:36:09 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:36:09 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:36:09 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:36:09 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 103, success, outsize: 120
unique: 104, opcode: SETATTR (4), nodeid: 2, insize: 128, pid: 3000
utimens /test 1420778169.824791565 1420778169.824791565
22:36:09 (encfs.cpp:92) utimens /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl
getattr /test
22:36:09 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:36:09 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:36:09 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 14426443683636404433, fileIV = 0
22:36:09 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl
22:36:09 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl
   unique: 104, success, outsize: 120
unique: 105, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2448
getattr /
22:36:17 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:36:17 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:36:17 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:36:17 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 105, success, outsize: 120
unique: 106, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 45, pid: 2448
LOOKUP /test
getattr /test
22:36:17 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:36:17 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:36:17 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 14426443683636404433, fileIV = 0
22:36:17 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl
22:36:17 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl
   NODEID: 2
   unique: 106, success, outsize: 144
unique: 107, opcode: OPEN (14), nodeid: 2, insize: 48, pid: 2448
open flags: 0x8001 /test
22:36:17 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:36:17 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:36:17 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 14426443683636404433, fileIV = 0
22:36:17 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl
22:36:17 (RawFileIO.cpp:129) open call for writable file
22:36:17 (RawFileIO.cpp:151) open file with flags 2, result = -1
22:36:17 (RawFileIO.cpp:175) ::open error: No such file or directory
22:36:17 (RawFileIO.cpp:180) file /tmp/mnt/bugtest/Fz8UoWMaPRH6fxJITE6AqXLl open failure: 2
   unique: 107, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 108, opcode: GETATTR (3), nodeid: 1, insize: 56, pid: 2448
getattr /
22:36:20 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:36:20 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:36:20 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
22:36:20 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/
   unique: 108, success, outsize: 120
unique: 109, opcode: LOOKUP (1), nodeid: 1, insize: 46, pid: 2448
LOOKUP /test2
getattr /test2
22:36:20 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:36:20 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:36:20 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/,GfhMwJFQm2HSVCoiU5bmsdQ: No such file or directory
22:36:20 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 301842061788534888, fileIV = 0
22:36:20 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/,GfhMwJFQm2HSVCoiU5bmsdQ
22:36:20 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/,GfhMwJFQm2HSVCoiU5bmsdQ
22:36:20 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/,GfhMwJFQm2HSVCoiU5bmsdQ: No such file or directory
22:36:20 (encfs.cpp:138) getattr error: No such file or directory
   unique: 109, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 110, opcode: MKNOD (8), nodeid: 1, insize: 62, pid: 2448
mknod /test2 0100644 0x0 umask=0022
22:36:20 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:36:20 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:36:20 (RawFileIO.cpp:191) getAttr error on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/,GfhMwJFQm2HSVCoiU5bmsdQ: No such file or directory
22:36:20 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 301842061788534888, fileIV = 0
22:36:20 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/,GfhMwJFQm2HSVCoiU5bmsdQ
22:36:20 (encfs.cpp:258) mknod on /tmp/mnt/bugtest/,GfhMwJFQm2HSVCoiU5bmsdQ, mode 33188, dev 0
getattr /test2
22:36:20 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:36:20 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:36:20 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 301842061788534888, fileIV = 0
22:36:20 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/,GfhMwJFQm2HSVCoiU5bmsdQ
22:36:20 (encfs.cpp:134) getattr /tmp/mnt/bugtest/,GfhMwJFQm2HSVCoiU5bmsdQ
   NODEID: 3
   unique: 110, success, outsize: 144
unique: 111, opcode: OPEN (14), nodeid: 3, insize: 48, pid: 2448
open flags: 0x8001 /test2
22:36:20 (MACFileIO.cpp:75) fs block size = 1024, macBytes = 8, randBytes = 0
22:36:20 (FileNode.cpp:127) calling setIV on (null)
22:36:20 (CipherFileIO.cpp:105) in setIV, current IV = 0, new IV = 301842061788534888, fileIV = 0
22:36:20 (DirNode.cpp:770) created FileNode for /tmp/mnt/bugtest/,GfhMwJFQm2HSVCoiU5bmsdQ
22:36:20 (RawFileIO.cpp:129) open call for writable file
22:36:20 (RawFileIO.cpp:151) open file with flags 2, result = -1
22:36:20 (RawFileIO.cpp:175) ::open error: No such file or directory
22:36:20 (RawFileIO.cpp:180) file /tmp/mnt/bugtest/,GfhMwJFQm2HSVCoiU5bmsdQ open failure: 2
   unique: 111, error: -2 (No such file or directory), outsize: 16
unique: 112, opcode: BATCH_FORGET (42), nodeid: 0, insize: 96, pid: 0

I've played with this a little bit since I made the report. It looks like what's happening is that encfs tries to open files in r+w mode when we do the echo command, and this doesn't seem to be supported at the moment?

The code from the coffee script that gets run on a r+w open just always returns ENOENT:

    if flags.rdwr #read/write
      logger.log 'info', "tried to open file \"#{path}\" for r+w"
      reply.err errnoMap.ENOENT

Note that the "tried to open [...]" log doesn't show up in the output I pasted before, since that line is commented out in the repo.

I haven't had much time to work on GDrive.

Thanks for digging down and finding the cause.
I didn't really envision anyone needing the read/write option.
So, the buffering mechanism needs to be reworked (for the better) to accommodate your use case, which is quite interesting.

Transmission Torrent Client also attempts to open files in r+w mode, causing the script to crash! Is there any progress on this? :)

im also trying to use encfs and this r+w mode not being supported is disappointing :(

Would it take much to support it? Is it much different that read or write?