
A neural network from scratch in CUDA/C++

Primary LanguageCuda

Neural network in CUDA/C++


This is an implementation of a neural net, completely from scratch (including basic tensor operations like matrix multiplication), in CUDA/C++. You can find the accompanying blog for the code here.


The code is by no means efficient, so it is not a practical option and is meant for education purposes only. Nonetheless, here is an overview of the various classes & functions:

Deep Learning Modules

Everything is implemented in both pure C++ (under CPU/) and CUDA/C++ (under GPU/). The syntax remains virtually identical, and there are only two points to bear in mind when switching between C++ and CUDA/C++:

  1. C++ and CUDA/C++ modules end with the suffixes CPU and GPU respectively.
  2. Don't forget to allocate and destroy CUDA arrays via cudaMallocManaged and cudaFree
  • linear.h/Linear_SUFFIX:

    • Initiation:

      Required arguments: _bs (int, batch size), _n_in (int, number of input features), _n_out (int, number of output features) Optional argument: _lr (float, learning rate)

    • forward: Runs a linear forward pass (weights set with Kaiming initialization, biases set to zero)

      Required arguments: _inp (float*, the input data), _out (float*, holds the output)

    • update: Stores a copy of the weights for later use, then updates them as well as the biases

    • backward: Stores the gradients of the loss with respect to the input in _inp, assuming _out contains the gradients of the loss with respect to the next layer's input (i.e. the next layer has called backward). The weights used are the ones saved during update, and the copies are deleted thereafter.

  • relu.h/ReLU_SUFFIX:

    • Initiation:

      Required argument: _sz_out (int, the number of elements it's given)

    • forward, backward: Like Linear_SUFFIX but for ReLU

  • mse.h/MSE_SUFFIX:

    • Initiation: Like ReLU

    • forward: Stores the predicted & target values for later use

      Required arguments: _inp (float*, the predicted values), _out (float*, the target values)

    • _forward: Calculates the MSE but does not store the predicted & target values, meaning forward must be called regardless of _forward

      Required arguments: Like MSE_SUFFIX but _out must have an extra element because the MSE will be saved in _out[sz_out]

    • backward: Stores the gradients of the target values with respect to the predicted values in _inp

  • sequential.h/Sequential_SUFFIX:

    • Initiation:

      Required arguments: layers (std::vector<Module*>, layers to be sequenced)

    • forward: Feeds the input to the first layer, the output of that to the second layer, ...

      Required arguments: inp (float*, the input data), out, (float*, there for consistency and doesn't get used. The output is accesible via the last layer's out attribute)

    • update: Goes through layers in reverse and calls their update & backward methods (first the last layer's update, then its backward, then the second-to-last layer's update, then its backward, ...)

  • train_SUFFIX: Trains a network with gradient descent

    Required arguments: seq (Sequential_SUFFIX, the network), inp (float*, the input data), targ (float*, the target data), bs (int, batch size), n_in (int, number of input features), n_epochs, (int, number of epochs)

For end-to-end training with speed benchmakrs, please run main.cpp or main.cu for the CPU and GPU respectively.