
A2l parser which can handle IntelHex and SRecord files

Primary LanguageJava

PSA - Outil Calibration Parser API

This API consists of parsing an A2l file (.a2l) and a IntelHex file (.hex) to return a set of Characteristics.

A2L Objects

Characteristic Object

CHARACTERISTIC are a type of Object containing data stored in the IntelHex file. The types of data in a Characteristic handled by the Parser are :

  • VALUE, a single value
  • VAL_BLK, a set of value (like an array)
  • CURVE, an associative array (like a key/value set) => has one axis
  • MAP, an 2 dimensional associative array (with 2 keys for one value) => as two axis

Not all types of Characteristic are handled by the Parser, so the other types not handled yet are ASCII, CUBOID, CUBE_4, CUBE_5.

Characteristic can be associated (or composed) with other A2l Objects.

Compu Method

COMPU_METHOD, stores a type of function and its details. There are several types of COMPU_METHOD:

  • RAT_FUNC: 6-coefficient rational function with 2nd-degree numerator and denominator polynomials: $\frac{ax^2+bx+c}{dx^2+ex+f}$. The coefficients are included in the COMPU_METHOD via the keyword COEFFS (in nearly all case, the coefficients a, d, e are equals to 0) .

Thus to retrieve a physical values with a RAT_FUNC we usually use this function : $f^{-1}(x) = \frac{fx-c}{b}$

  • TAB_VERB: verbal table (i.e. enumeration, a key/value set of Strings) which make a reference to another A2l object via the keyword COMPU_TAB_REF :
    • COMPUVTAB : this A2l object consists of an enumeration of values

Not all types of Compu_Method are handled by the Parser, so the other types not handled yet are IDENTICAL, LINEAR, TAB_INTP, TAB_NOINTP, FORM.

Record Layout

RECORD_LAYOUT stores how the hexadecimal values parsed from the IntelHex file should be read for an A2l Object. It usually defines the type the hexadecimal values are :

A2ML ASAP2 Windows Explanation
uchar UBYTE BYTE unsigned 8 Bit
char SBYTE char signed 8 Bit
uint UWORD WORD unsigned integer 16 Bit
int SWORD int signed integer 16 Bit
ulong ULONG DWORD unsigned integer 32 Bit
long SLONG LONG signed integer 32 Bit
float FLOAT32_IEEE float 32 Bit

RecordLayouts also provides the information of whether a set of data is in row- or column-major order for MAP characteristic


AXIS_DESCR are the main A2l objects, it stores all the information about an axis like its length (number of points), its COMPU_METHOD to apply to the set of raw points retrieved from the IntelHex File, its type ...

A type of an axis defines how the value of the axis are fetch or determined :

Axis Type Description How to retrieve the points
STD_AXIS Axis specific to one table All the information (number of points, the value of the points and the data ) are stored in the IntelHex file along with the data of the Characteristic at the address of the characteristic this way :
  • 1. the number of points
  • 2. the axis points
  • bis. if it's a MAP: 2 axis
    • 1bis. the number of points of the second axis (if there is one)
    • 2bis. the axis points of the second axis
  • 3. the data of characteristic
COM_AXIS Axis shared by various tables This type of axis use a reference to another A2l object, the AXIS_PTS, with the key word AXIS_PTS_REF. This AXIS_PTS has his own address to fetch the points of the axis in the IntelHex File in addition to the address of the characteristic to retrieve the data of the characteristic
FIX_AXIS Axis specific to one table with calculated axis points. Axis points are not stored in ECU memory This type of axis doesn't store the points of the axis in the IntelHex File but instead use a incremental function to get the points which can be of type :
  • FIX_AXIS_PAR : Specifies the value of the first sample point, the power-of-two exponent of the increment value and total number of sample points for computing the sample point values of an equidistant axis of type FIX_AXIS
  • FIX_AXIS_PAR_DIST : Specifies the value of the first sample point, the increment value and the total number of sample points for computing the sample point values of an equidistant axis of type FIX_AXIS

  • The how to get the points column is subject to change because a lot of the mechanism to retrieve the points of the axis were deduced with a lot of internal testing
  • Not all AXIS Types are handled by the Parser, so the other types not handled yet are CURVE_AXIS, RES_AXIS.

AXIS_PTS are the object referenced in a AXIS_DESCR of type COM_AXIS. Since this type of AXIS_DESCR does state two addresses : one for the data in the Characteristic object and another one for the points of the axis in the AXIS_PTS object, each address has their own way to retrieve the data from the IntelHex file i.e. a Record Layout to parse hexadecimal value, a Compu Method to apply to the raw data, ...

Useful Documentation and Tool

A wiki and glossary of objects from A2l : https://www.asam.net/standards/detail/mcd-2-mc/wiki/

IntelHex Format explanation : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/HEX_(Intel)

Third party Library for Parsing IntelHex : https://github.com/j123b567/java-intelhex-parser

ASAP2 demo (a A2l parser program) : http://jnachbaur.de/ASAP2Demo/ASAP2.html

How the Parser works

The Parser works in 3 steps :

  1. It reads first the A2l file line by line to extract the importants objects like : Characteristics, CompuMethods, RecordLayouts, CompuVTabs, AxisPoints. Those extracted objects are stored in collections (LinkedList or HashMap if the object needs to be referenced) .

  2. Then it reads the IntelHex file line by line to store the data in a HashMap by records of data associated with address ranges of 32 bytes(a pair of letter or digit = a byte) this way :

A record : $\underbrace{0\times08AE451D}_{\text{address}} \xrightarrow{association} \underbrace{\underbrace{E8}_{\text{1 byte}}BA008031323334353637383930010020010080F7BF008009000002F8BF0080E8}_{\text{32 or less bytes}}$

  1. Finally, with the parsed A2l Objects and the IntelHex records from the files, it assign for each Characteristic a value of data depending on the specifications of the Characteristic like the type of data and the other A2l Object associated with.