
portCF_INTC_VALUE not defined for MCF51JE variant in FreeRTOS component

madman-011235813 opened this issue · 3 comments

I believe I have found an issue with the FreeRTOS component. In the component Inspector, under Scheduler > ColdFire V1 > CPU, I select the MCF51JE.

When I rebuild the PEx components and then compile the project, the following call in FRTOS1.c:


.... has the error description that follows:

Description	Resource	Path	Location	Type
undefined identifier 'error'	FRTOS1.c	/QG-H1/Generated_Code	line 1659	C/C++ Problem

taskYIELD is defined as portYIELD, which contains portCF_INTC_VALUE, which is defined portmacro.h as:

	/* Context switches are requested using the force register. */
	#define portCF_INTC_VALUE \
		#error "unknown ColdFire CPU setting in embedded component properties!"

If I change it to another variant, say MCF51MM, it compiles. Is the definition missing for the JE256 variant?


Hi Mark,
I appologize not responding. Somehow I have completely missed that ticket :-(. Indeed, you have found an issue I need to look at. I'll respond back as soon as I can.

Hi Mark,
You can safely use the ME variant instead of the JE one. I have implemented a fix (dbef8e2) with a better check for the derivative.
I'm sorry for the troubles this has created for you :-(