Expose AgentNativeConnectionProvider on Connection and Application Module
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Story Description:
Based on class com.ericsson.bss.cassandra.ecchronos.application.DefaultNativeConnectionProvider, create in the same package a new class called DatacenterNativeConnectionProvider, this class must have a method to declare node status and populate the data on nodes_sync table, based on the configuration in connection.cql.datacenterAware.datacenters.
Based on class com.ericsson.bss.cassandra.ecchronos.connection.impl.LocalNativeConnectionProvider create a new class called AgentNativeConnectionProvider, which will be returned on BeanConfigurator.java as NativeConnection when datacenterAware.enabled is true and the provider is DatacenterNativeConnectionProvider.
Based on that, changes is required on class BeanConfigurator.java for the new AgentConnection, and the NativeConnection.java should be modified to reflect the new provider.
Acceptance Criteria:
- DatacenterNativeConnectionProvider class designed as described;
- AgentNativeConnectionProvider class designed as described;
- BeanConfigurator modified to use new NativeConnection;
- NativeConnection.java modified to reflect new provider;
- Introduce tests for the configuration and for the Connections.
Definition of Done:
Code designed as proposed, test cases passing and approved by maintainers.