
Unable to export to SQL CE

alakifan opened this issue · 7 comments

This toolbox (ExportSqlCe35) exports .sdf files to SQLite just fine, but it's failing to do the opposite, it won't allow me to turn SQLite files to .sdf files

Why would you want to do that?

You could potentially export to SQL Server and then create an .sdf file form there.

Good afternoon, thanks for your reply
I need to do this with commands and/or programatically as I need to send the .sdf file from an Android device to a backend that only takes these SQL CE files

Ok. Did you try my suggestion?

Ok. Did you try my suggestion?

I have found ways to dump the contents of a sqlite database into a .sql file, but i'm yet to find a tool to export that .sql file to .sdf programatically and/or with commands

Run that .sql script against a SQL Server database, and use my tools to export to a .sdf

Sadly I don't have access to a SQL Server, as I can only access an API that takes a .sdf file as input. I can generate the .sql from the sqlite database file but can't find a way to export that .sql to a .sdf file.

(Apologies if I'm not being 100% clear, as English is not my mother tongue)

You can use the Toolbox to run the generated .sql file against an empty SQL Compact database - but SQLite and SQL Compact are very different and you might have to do manual changes to the script.