
`swayosd-libinput-backend` is using 100% of one CPU core

otaj opened this issue · 3 comments

otaj commented

Hi, thank you for the awesome project! I like the aesthetics a lot more than avízo, which I was using until now and wanted to make a switch, however it seems, that when I start and enable the swayosd-libinput-backend.service, the backend is running at 100% of one core.

I don't have any logs for you since it doesn't output anything. If there's a way, how to collect them to be more helpful, please, let me know.

I'm running on Arch, however not using AUR package, which is currently outdated, but a custom one, which uses meson and therefore installs everything (udev, polkit rules, service files, etc.)

Thank you!

Good catch! Fixing :)

Closed by: bfb49f0

otaj commented

Oh wow, that was super fast, thanks! I can confirm, now it works.