README Examples Addition
trollLemon opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Before I begin, I want to say great work on SwayOSD. I found this project a few days ago, and it is a nice addition to my Sway setup.
I want suggest adding this software's custom value usage to the README.
Currently, the README shows examples such as:
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec swayosd --brightness raise
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec swayosd --output-volume raise
I know that passing in '--help' tells how to use the custom amounts for the change of brightness and volume. However, there is an example of using max volume with a value within the README:
exec swayosd --max-volume 120
So I think there should be examples of using custom values for all the brightness and volume within the README. I am willing to do a pr adding to the README file. Before I begin, I am wondering if I should have a sub-section for the Sway examples with something like:
# Brightness raise custom value
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp + <key> exec swayosd --brightness 10
# Brightness lower custom value
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown + <key> exec swayosd --brightness -10
# Volume raise custom value
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume + <key> exec swayosd --output-volume 10
# Volume raise custom value
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume + <key> exec swayosd --output-volume -10
Or should it be somewhere else?
A PR would be great! :)
I'll be changing some of the commands/executables to make it more user friendly soon so I'd wait until that's done. I can ping you if you want when it's done
If you could ping me once you are done that would be great.
@trollLemon #45 is merged :)