
Core Climax Rework

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NPC sided: The logic for NPC climax is very far-spread and convoluted. They immediately try to climax every tick their climax value is at 100+, aborting said check based on several possible config-based conditions. This results in them either doing nothing, or immediately climaxing upon hitting 100. It, by the way, doesn't even utilize the config set "threshold" for climaxing as this is a value set as core statusResource on every sexbound enabled NPC. Neither does the player. This has been convoluted even more with the addition of the "climax chain" mechanic. Finally, this disallows NPCs to ever trigger scripted climaxes by themselves.

This system needs a big upgrade. The climax trigger checks can be streamlined to only occur when the NPC is allowed to act autonomous to begin with.

Player sided: This part is the hardest to balance, as any kind of change is generally taking away freedom from the player. Then again, just waiting for a bar to fill and then click on it is the most boring approach to this possible.

The proposal: Climax value increased to 120. Climax becomes available at 100 and forcibly happens at 120. This requires bigger UI changes to clearly visualize. For immersion reasons, this also applies to players - but can, of course, be turned off; much like how NPC climax autonomy can still be toggled off.

In order to offer more control to the player in compensation, multiple speed/thrust options are offered to control climax gain, with different positions being tweaked to affect different actors differently. This part needs serious balancing. The NPC AI would then prefer to stick to a single position per climax, and only switch penetration speed/style on a random timer. NPCs will also, with a random chance, choose scripted climaxes if their climax values line up in the 100-120 region.

This is currently still a concept idea.