
[REQUEST] Drawables Functionality

DrArtus opened this issue · 1 comments

Seeing that if a player has custom emoteDirectives or hairDirectives, SxB nodes still lag (though, not as long as old SxB would), and render the player invisible. I believe it would add a whole new level of fun immersion of custom assets such as player drawables were supported.

That loading sexnodes can take a moment and as such "lag" the game is normal, it's Starbound and noone can change anything about its shitty, single-threaded performance.

As for directives, nothing has been changed in comparison to old SxB in the way the loading of assets and rendering works - it still uses the exact same things the actual in-world entity uses; If and if so why there should be any loading time differences I don't know.

If the actor turns invisible at any point that is a bug, most likely related to a script crash inside the sexnode logic - but without you following standard bug reporting procedures and providing a log I cannot help you there.

As for the final part - "player drawables" - I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.