Todo: /role command
Closed this issue · 7 comments
What should this command do exactly?
Oh I see, will get to working on it soon.
Btw last question, should I use the announcement roles or make a new "grantable roles" field incase there can be any role that isn't related to announcements but can be self-granted?
make a new "grantable roles" field incase there can be any role that isn't related to announcements but can be self-granted?
This seems like it would make the most sense - there can be a config mapping of role names and IDs to populate the list with
I'll see, I have implemented something at least a few days ago but can't test it because for some reason the new command doesn't get registered on my own testing bot.
D#+ doesn't expose registration errors very well, if a command isn't registering then try checking that all descriptions are within the character limit and that there are no capital letters in command and option names. Could be a number of things but that's the most common I run into