Pinned issues
- 4
Taskbar isn’t working properly. When in dynamic mode. All apps doesn’t show including windows button.
#332 opened by AnzirAwladKunjan - 1
Is RoundedTB dead?
#330 opened by MetalmanSB - 2
RoundedBt not working properly
#331 opened by Blavity01 - 2
Windows Coplot mess up taskbar afte use
#329 opened by DevDroid1 - 1
- 2
- 10
Size miscalculation in Windows 11
#320 opened by danqdinh - 0
Help me i cannot uninstall/remove Roundedtb
#327 opened by alikmaybepro3 - 6
Dynamic Mode not working correctly
#322 opened by Cubifyy - 10
Several issues with dynamic mode after updating to Windows 11 Build 230624-1828 (Beta Channel)
#308 opened by sitistas - 1
#323 opened by hiloves733 - 0
- 15
Dynamic mode broken
#317 opened by uttamdeb - 1
Full Screen mode
#321 opened by BennettFourr - 2
Still no Autohide feature
#313 opened by earlofnacho - 0
Conflict with explorer patcher
#319 opened by AleksanderNekr - 14
[BUG]: Dynamic Mode no longer working as of Insider Build 23481 (Dev Channel)
#304 opened by cryptofyre - 1
delete i cant
#291 opened by lologomez43 - 0
- 1
doesnt show on hover
#315 opened by mrsirfloppa - 3
Top of the taskbar not being rounded
#311 opened by P3rcival0 - 0
- 1
feature request: fill taskbar when there is a group
#294 opened by Terence-1 - 4
- 0
Custom corner radius
#314 opened by m-kuba - 1
RoundedTB not opening :(
#307 opened by anurag01a - 5
Top Corners wont be round
#286 opened by muzyyyy - 1
Why i have always this pop-up
#310 opened by McKpol - 0
- 3
Not Trimming properlu
#305 opened by otirpus2 - 2
(Suggestion) Add 3 segments option
#306 opened by foursplaysroblox - 3
Corners Issue
#290 opened by codingwithmahmo - 0
- 0
Taskbar overlap
#302 opened by GlitchedCyclone - 0
RoundedTB does not re-apply/refresh rounding when display changes resolution
#298 opened by johnnaaron - 0
Flashing taskbar
#301 opened by 1111Al - 0
[Feature Request]: Add taskbar resize option.
#300 opened by illicitsly - 0
- 4
Stopped working after 3 days
#297 opened by arandomdeadbear - 1
- 1
Main panel doesn't show normally on Windows 11
#296 opened by asterwyx - 0
The taskbar is cut from both sides when "Show system tray on hover" is selected
#293 opened by GemmeCookies - 0
Feature request: Fill up taskbar when the Windows menu and Task view is open (In Windows 10)
#292 opened by blufish1234 - 4
Startup unavailable
#289 opened by cybercuate - 1
Dynamic mode isn't working on second montor and auto hide taskbar function doesn't work
#288 opened by nikolicpetar17 - 1
Dynamic mode not decreasing size enought
#283 opened by lordlalau - 1
Round taskbar does not have anti-alias
#285 opened by Erdash11 - 0
Problems while using Start11
#287 opened by osiristhreesevens - 0
doesnt fully cutout
#284 opened by creggys - 0
Not Work in secondaray monitor
#282 opened by alejandrodarz