How change SDA and SCL pin?
mariocondesantos opened this issue · 4 comments
mariocondesantos commented
I can change SDA and SCL pin in code?
I use ESP32 and have a conflit with LCD ST7796...
Erriez commented
Thanks for using my library. You can change the ESP32 I2C pins in your sketch:
Wire.begin(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN);
mariocondesantos commented
Erriez commented
Are the DS3231 examples up and running on your ESP32 board without using other devices? Make sure the DS3231 I2C pins uses different pins as they cannot be shared with a non I2C devices. Multiple I2C devices can be connected to the same I2C bus when each device has a unique address.
Erriez commented
Closing issue as ESP32 I2C pin configuration is beyond the scope of this DS3231 library.