- 0
about iBims dataset
#19 opened by Han-SHS - 4
- 0
Request for the annotation script
#18 opened by shuimushan - 2
- 0
pretrained model
#17 opened by TWang1017 - 0
- 4
- 2
A good way to extract depth in meters?
#15 opened by AIMads - 0
Question about plane_paras
#14 opened by nku-zhichengzhang - 5
Does this use ScanNetv2 dataset?
#2 opened by uyoung-jeong - 1
Change Intrinsic parameters to fit with own camera
#13 opened by AIMads - 2
Visualize resutls
#1 opened by marcomiglionico94 - 1
Different Results on iBims Dataset
#8 opened by xlDownxl - 3
dataset format
#7 opened by RenQJ - 3
Feature tensors with different shapes.
#6 opened by cnu1439 - 3
- 2
How is the plane parameter calculated?
#3 opened by IceTTTb - 2
inference issue
#4 opened by fatandfat