
ERROR 'aws' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

CemEntok opened this issue · 2 comments

Python 3.7.11 | miniconda Command Prompt | Windows 10
Hello, I am having a recent error which is given in the title of issue and can be seen in following figure:


It is not downloading images, just creating empty folder and an empty label folder inside of Class folder. How can we solve this issue? Is there anyone who has already faced with this?

Here is the command I am using:

python downloader --classes Knife --type_csv test --image_IsDepiction 0 --limit 6

Dear @CemEntok

I had the same issue. I believe it was due to the problem with the python version.

I tried with python=3.7.2 (conda environment) and it's working as intended.

Edit (in case I come back here again):
you also need to run pip install awscli

@zahir2000 Thank you! It really works when I have downgraded my Python version from 3.7.11 to 3.7.2.