This application is simulation for Online shopping website build using javaEE
The user can search for the products and buy them online
As a best practise we used Data Access Object (dao)
also we used Model View Controller(MCV) pattern User Features
User can sign up for the first time User can sign in.
User can view products User can add products to cart User can delete products from
cart User can decrease quantity of a product in the cart.
User search for products User can charge his balance User can pay cash to
get the product User can logout from the site. Admin Features
admin can view products admin can add product admin can delete product
admin can edit product admin can add products to the slider
admin can add scratch cards admin can view history admin can add new category
admin can delete category admin can add ads
admin can remove ads admin can view users admin can edit users profiles admin can view the history
1-JSP 2-JSTL 3-JavaScript 4-JDBC 5-HTML 6-CSS
JDK 8 (Java SE 8) Netbeans IDE Apache Tomcat 8 JSTL JAR file (jstl-1.2.jar)
Java EE 5 API (Servlet 2.5, JSP 2.1, JSTL 1.2,
Expression Language (EL)) Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API