Security key negotation failed
taboulot opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi there,
I'm trying to perform a connection to an ESP32 card using your library BlufiLibrary
inside a React-native application.
My problem
Once I'm connected to the card (delegate method centralManager(_ central: didConnect peripheral:)
is called), I launch the key negotation. During the negotation process, I have an error code 4
using the following delegate method :
func blufi(_ client: BlufiClient, didReceiveError errCode: Int) {
print("[BLUFI] Received error. Code = ", errCode)
My understanding
Following this documentation, it looks like I got a 0x04: init security error
My question
The application of this repository works just well when I compile it from my computer and launch it on my device.
Do you have any idea or insights about why I got this error when I use it inside an other app.
My code
class RNEsp32: NSObject, BlufiDelegate, CBCentralManagerDelegate, CBPeripheralDelegate {
var bluFiClient: BlufiClient?
func connectESP32(a: Float, b: Float, resolve:RCTPromiseResolveBlock,reject:RCTPromiseRejectBlock) -> Void {
private func connect() -> Void {
print("Connection launched !")
bluFiClient = BlufiClient.init()
bluFiClient?.blufiDelegate = self
bluFiClient?.centralManagerDelete = self
bluFiClient?.postPackageLengthLimit = 128;
func blufi(_ client: BlufiClient, gattPrepared status: BlufiStatusCode, service: CBService?, writeChar: CBCharacteristic?, notifyChar: CBCharacteristic?) {
print("[BLUFI] Blufi ready ! Status = ", status)
if status == StatusSuccess {
print("[BLUFI] launch security negotation")
func blufi(_ client: BlufiClient, didNegotiateSecurity status: BlufiStatusCode) {
print("[BLUFI] Security has been negotatited ! Status =", status)
let params = BlufiConfigureParams()
params.opMode = OpModeSta
params.staSsid = "MY_SSID"
params.staPassword = "MY_PASSWORD"
print("[BLUFI] Let's connect !!!!!")
func blufi(_ client: BlufiClient, didReceiveError errCode: Int) {
print("[BLUFI] Received error. Code = ", errCode)
func blufi(_ client: BlufiClient, didPostConfigureParams status: BlufiStatusCode) {
print("[BLUFI] Did Post configuration params")
func blufi(_ client: BlufiClient, didPostCustomData data: Data, status: BlufiStatusCode) {
print("[BLUFI] Did post custom data")
func blufi(_ client: BlufiClient, didReceiveCustomData data: Data, status: BlufiStatusCode) {
let customString = String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self)
print("[BLUFI] did receive custom data : ", customString)
func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ central: CBCentralManager) {
if central.state == .poweredOn {
func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral) {
print("[Central] Device connected")
func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didFailToConnect peripheral: CBPeripheral, error: Error?) {
print("[Centrail] Device connection failed")
func centralManager(_ central: CBCentralManager, didDisconnectPeripheral peripheral: CBPeripheral, error: Error?) {
print("[Central] Device has been disconnected")
Thanks for your help.
I'd suggest looking through the Blufi library code to see if you can find a place where it returns error code 0x04
@brunck Thank you for your answer but I have finally found my mistake.
In our implementation, the ESP32 card considers that the connexion is done when we have press a button to which it is connected. Once we've pressed this button we receive a custom success message.
So I don't have to call negotiateSecurity
in blufi(_ :gattPrepared:service:writeChar:notifyChar:)
but in func blufi(_:didReceiveCustomData:status:)