ESPTouch don't work in iOS 12
Cu-Toof opened this issue · 4 comments
Cu-Toof commented
Esptouch doesn't fetch ssid in iOS 12. But on iOS11, It works.
Could you please tell me the solution for this issue? thank you
joshdholtz commented
Also seeing this issue 😬
Adrian0212 commented
how to resolve?
ntsecrets commented
The version in the app store v0.3.5.2 does not appear to work in iOS 12.
hyhypepe commented
Esptouch doesn't fetch ssid in iOS 12. But on iOS11, It works.
Could you please tell me the solution for this issue? thank you
To enable the Access WiFi Information capability in iOS12, to go Project Settings -> Select your App Target -> "Capabilities" Tab. There is a switch to turn on "Access WiFi Information"