
Console output is broken

Closed this issue · 4 comments

First I installed Alcatraz, went smoothly, then I restarted Xcode.
Then, I executed:

    func application(application: UIApplication, willFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject : AnyObject]?) -> Bool {

        QorumLogs.enabled = true

Instead nicely formatted, colorful output I'm getting this in the console:

 �[fg120,120,120;QorumLogs.test()[91]:�[; �[fg0,180,180;Debug�[;
 �[fg120,120,120;QorumLogs.test()[92]:�[; �[fg0,150,0;Info�[;
 �[fg120,120,120;QorumLogs.test()[93]:�[; �[fg255,190,0;Warning�[;
 �[fg120,120,120;QorumLogs.test()[94]:�[; �[fg255,0,0;Error�[;

Did you install XcodeColors correctly?

Yes. I switched to using XCGLogger, this works like a charm.

Just tried in my running project and a new project. Its working fine.

I had a problem like 3 weeks ago, not about the color but KZLinkedConsole. It somehow randomly got fixed, I obviously did the whole close the xcode, cleared derived data, restarted xcode, clean, build process. Not sure if this is the reason it got fixed or something else