
Missing Service Information fields like DCP

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We are missing a few fields in the Toolkit, and can not find their formfields. Not in the other ArcGIS Pro styles either. They are Service-specific and they are:

  • svDCP/DCPListCd/@value
  • svOperOn
  • svParName
  • svParOpt
  • svRepeat

So, basically the DCPList and the SV Parameters. Fields we did find - and are clearly related - are:

  • dataIdInfo > svType > genericName
  • dataIdInfo > svCouplType > CouplTypCd/@value
  • dataIdInfo > svCouplRes > svResCitId > identCode
  • dataIdInfo > svCouplRes > svOpName

For some reason they are mentioned in this files within the Toolkit:

  • \Export\ArcGIS_2NPISO19115.xslt
  • \Pages\Services.xaml

<!ENTITY % SvOperMD '(svOpName, svDCP+, svDesc?, svInvocName?, svParams*, svConPt+, svOper*)'>

So, even though they are mentioned, their fields do not seem to be implemented. And what seems weird to me: if we can not fill them, why would the Export check whether they exist?

Please advise, we need these fields to be there for implementation of our local ISO standard. At least the DCP-field which is required for us. Thanks in advance.


Those fields are basically "half implemented" in ArcGIS. We specified a place to store that information--you found the excerpt of the ArcGIS metadata DTD included in that XAML page. We also have the capability to import and export metadata content to those elements if the document is based on the 2006 version of the ISO 19119 standard. And, if any content is stored in those ArcGIS metadata elements it will be displayed in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro.

However, when it came to implementing that portion of ISO 19119 as it relates to the service operations and operation parameters, that is where we ran into a problem. At the time we were building that portion of the metadata editor we couldn't find any examples of ISO 19119 metadata documents "in the wild" documenting real services that included this content and showed how operations and their parameters were being documented in metadata.

The developers I was working with at the time didn't want to support the concept that you would expect people to type into the metadata information that effectively duplicated the information provided in the REST API documentation for the service specification. That is, if you have an ArcGIS Map Service, the REST API for Map Services documents all the operations that one of those services supports... we would not want to duplicate all of that information in a service's metadata. The idea was the users should instead be referencing the operations and parameters documented in the the help system, but there wasn't a way to do that.

Without good real world examples showing how people were really using that portion of the ISO 19119 standard I couldn't make a convincing argument, and that portion of the metadata editor was not built. We could only build the portion of the standard describing the service itself. That said, that is exactly why we have the toolkit. It is possible for you to update the metadata editor to include controls in the metadata editor that you need.