RelatedFeatureQueryResult not working
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I have follow the same example as you have mentioned into sample code but this query is not working for android.
**// Fetch the related features from the selected feature.
RelatedQueryParameters parameters = new RelatedQueryParameters(info);
ListenableFuture<List> relatedFeatureQueryResultFuture = selectedTable .queryRelatedFeaturesAsync(arcGISFeature, parameters);
relatedFeatureQueryResultFuture.addDoneListener(() -> {
try {
relatedFeatureQueryResultFuture.get().forEach(result -> {
if (result.getFeature() instanceof ArcGISFeature) {
ArcGISFeature returnedFeature = result.getFeature();
// Load the related feature to bring in all field values
// .. Process each returned feature for this hydrant ..
} catch (ExecutionException | InterruptedException e) {
// .. handle any exception that may occur
Can you link to the sample in question? I'm guessing you're also using your own data? Can you share that too? Thanks!