
Compatibility with leaflet.markercluster

Celtian opened this issue · 10 comments


Your library is not obviously compatible with

It is caused by "Map has no maxZoom specified" (probaly "maxNativeZoom" need to be renamed "maxZoom ") ...

Can you fix it or publish related example?

Does it works also with another sources? Not just esri ...

Oh, I think I'm now understanding you: Are you saying that when using the esri-leaflet-vector layer AND leaflet.markercluster on the same leaflet map, you get an error?

We are using also layers from different prividers like or here.maps or mapbox or ... is it compatible or it is only working with leaflet. For us is useless to use clustering only for esri layers but not for anothe ones ...

Sorry, I'm a bit confused by your question. And I don't think you answered my question: Are you saying that when using the esri-leaflet-vector layer AND leaflet.markercluster on the same leaflet map, you get an error?

If you are seeing a specific issues with esri-leaflet-vector, please post a replication case showing the issue.

Yes leaflet.markercluster says "Map has no maxZoom specified" is I use esri-leaflet-vector

Ok, can you please post a public replication case (perhaps using a service like CodePen or JSBin) that shows the issue?

@Celtian - want to reach back out again on this. We need a replication case to work from, otherwise, we will need to close this issue as we will not be able to work on it without one. Thanks!

I can confirm i have successfully been using these together in a large scale production app for quite some time without issue it just needs to be configured correctly

stale commented

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