
Update to maplibre-gl v3

gavinr opened this issue · 5 comments

gavinr commented

Describe the problem

v3 of maplibre-gl was released in May. Since we package maplibre-gl with this library, it probably makes sense to test if upgrading will work,

Describe the proposed solution

If upgrading will work, we can go ahead and update the dependency:

"maplibre-gl": "^2.2.1"

Will this require a major semver version increase afterward (v4 to v5)? I don't think so since none of our library APIs should change, but open for discussion if I'm missing anything.

Alternatives considered

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Additional Information

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As side note in regards to maplibre-gl, is there a specific reason MaplibreGLJSLayer is not exported in EsriLeafletVector.js? In particular when working with printing plugins for Leaflet I ran into an issue where the Maplibre layer needed to be associated with a layer type, but that type is not exposed by the project. Would it be possible to just add export { MaplibreGLJSLayer, maplibreGLJSLayer } from './MaplibreGLLayer';?

Hi @gavinr @gavinr-maps, could you please assign this issue to me? I'd like to contribute to this issue as part of Hacktoberfest. Thanks!

Hi @sdthaker, thanks for taking a look. No need to wait for us to assign it - just go ahead and work on it and submit a PR! (in fact usually we do not assign issues on our open source repos)

Is there a specific minor version that needs to be installed for maplibre-gl or the latest v3 should do, which happens to be v3.3.1? @gavinr-maps

Current latest should be fine. Thanks!