TiledMapLayer no longer removes itself
CalebPourchot opened this issue · 6 comments
Add a TiledMapLayer
Call layer.remove or map.removeLayer() on the TiledMapLayer
The pane isn't removed from the map.
Looks like it is related to this change #1248 for removing attribution. OnRemove() was added to TiledMapLayer, but the base leaflet version of the function isn't called, so the layer is never removed. At least I think that's what is happening.
esri-leaflet version 2.5.3
leaflet ##1.7.1
Thanks for the report! Are you able to create a simplified replication case (using JSBin or similar) for this?
Here's a fiddle:
notice the attribution gets removed, but the layer doesn't.
That looks like it exactly. Sorry I didn't find it when searching. Just gotta update.
No problem. This is the best kind of fix! 🎉