
Ability to harvest service URL using ArcGIS Portal broker

seandoesgis opened this issue · 6 comments

It'd be nice to implement harvesting an items rest URL using the ArcGIS Portal broker...not sure how hard it is to implement. If you know an easy way to implement it please let me know.


hi, in this scenario, are you looking at harvesting from ArcGIS Online?

so you have a portal with multiple data stores and you want to harvest items from that portal into a geoportal server index? harvest hosted services? harvest federated ArcGIS Server services?

ah! for that I suggest looking at the 'search component' over on the geoportal server catalog repo. this component is a self-contained part of geoportal server that provides for CSW 3.0.0 and OpenSearch interfaces in front of a number of sources, including ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS. The output of a search via the API provided by this component can be DCAT. For example, this link below responds with items from my team's ArcGIS Online subscription in DCAT format:

this means, no need for harvesting at all, just deploy the search component and configure to your portal.