
Correction to Command Line Interface Wiki

jjosserand opened this issue · 2 comments

Type of the adaptors and their parameters:
Input adaptors:
WAF - web accessible folder,
"waf-host-url" - harvesting root URL
"waf-pattern" - pattern to filter harvested files (GLOB pattern syntax); default: **.xml
"cred-username" - user name (optional)
"cred-password" - user password (optional)
CSW - Catalog Servoce for the Web -- should be "Service"
"csw-host-url" - CSW service URL
"csw-profile-id" - CSW profile id
"cred-username" - user name (optional)
"cred-password" - user password (optional)
UNC - Uniform Naming Convention folder
"unc-root-folder" - root folder (must be accessible by the harvester)
"unc-pattern" - pattern to filter harvested files (GLOB pattern syntax); default: **.xml
GPTSRC - Geoportal server 2.0
"gpt-host-url" - Geoportal server URL
"gpt-index" - name of the indes to harvest (optional) -- should be "index"
"cred-username" - user name
"cred-password" - user password
AGS - ArcGIS server servoces -- should be "services"
"ags-host-url" - arcgis server host url (before rest/services)
"ags-enable-layers" - true to harvest layers from map service (default: false)
AGP-IN - ArcGIS Portal (or arcgis online)
"agp-host-url" - ArcGIS portal host url (before sharing)
"agp-folder-id" - folder id or folder name (optional)
"cred-username" - user name
"cred-password" - user password
"ckan-host-url" - CKAN host URL
"ckan-apikey" - CKAN API key (optional)

@pandzel some typos in the UI

resolved. thanks!