Question? How to display street names when using basemap as satelite.
nlmrkraju opened this issue · 6 comments
basemap: 'satelite',
showLabels: true
center: [this.state.childData.y_COORDINATES, this.state.childData.x_COORDINATES],
zoom: 16,
<MapPointMarker longitude={this.state.childData.y_COORDINATES} latitude={this.state.childData.x_COORDINATES} />
I can see street names in default basemap but not when the basemap is satelite.
Try basemap: 'hybrid'
Well, that's just how that basemap was designed and I'm not aware of any other built-in one that has street labels over imagery. There might be a custom basemap like that out there somewhere. You could ask that kind of question on GeoNet.
FYI - I just noticed above that you include showLabels: true
- I don't think that's a valid map property.
Hi @abdel-abdelrazek, thanks for your response. I don't see much differs between yours and my initial map in the question. I am looking for satellite view with street names on it.
Hi @nlmrkraju , Actually there are a lot of differences between the two (--street direction, buildings names,..etc), just have another look.
Regarding to the satellite View, this setting basemap: 'hybrid' is the one that shows labels and other details -- without the need to change any other properties.
If the information it shows is not sufficient for you then basemap: "osm" is the most basemap that has information --labels.
Another option for you, is to use the satellite basemap and add this layer on top of it. -- it will provide you with the street names.
Transportation Layer