
Question? How to display street names when using basemap as satelite.

nlmrkraju opened this issue · 6 comments

                                    basemap: 'satelite',
                                    showLabels: true
                                    center: [this.state.childData.y_COORDINATES, this.state.childData.x_COORDINATES],
                                    zoom: 16,
                                <MapPointMarker longitude={this.state.childData.y_COORDINATES} latitude={this.state.childData.x_COORDINATES} />

I can see street names in default basemap but not when the basemap is satelite.




Thanks for the suggestion. I changed basemap to hybrid, now it is showing place names but not street names as in default map.

Well, that's just how that basemap was designed and I'm not aware of any other built-in one that has street labels over imagery. There might be a custom basemap like that out there somewhere. You could ask that kind of question on GeoNet.

FYI - I just noticed above that you include showLabels: true - I don't think that's a valid map property.

You can set basemap: "osm", and will show the street name.

Hi @abdel-abdelrazek, thanks for your response. I don't see much differs between yours and my initial map in the question. I am looking for satellite view with street names on it.

Hi @nlmrkraju , Actually there are a lot of differences between the two (--street direction, buildings names,..etc), just have another look.

Regarding to the satellite View, this setting basemap: 'hybrid' is the one that shows labels and other details -- without the need to change any other properties.
If the information it shows is not sufficient for you then basemap: "osm" is the most basemap that has information --labels.

Another option for you, is to use the satellite basemap and add this layer on top of it. -- it will provide you with the street names.
Transportation Layer