
Splyglass Template loads inconsistently on some mobile devices

megh5 opened this issue · 7 comments

I am working with a user who has created a web application using the spyglass template. The app loads on desktop consistently, but will not load consistently on an iPad (and other mobile devices including iPhone, and android phones, which I have not been able to reproduce). The error is: "Sorry, Swipe loading failed". I have been able to reproduce the same issue on the iPad. This issue could be a result of timing out, and network speeds. A template to test is listed below:

I suspect it is indeed network speeds and timing out. If you can host the app yourself, you can adjust the timeouts found in the swipe-config.js file to ensure the app loads on slower networks.

Thanks Mark for your info. I suspect aswell that it's a timing / sequence issue. The app is actually hosted here: . I'm not using AGO portal but have the app hosted on a local server that's hitting a server with AGServer that have the cache images locally. I've also, tested by hosting the app directly on the AGServer machine with no resolve. I've "bumped up" TIMEOUT_VIEWER_LOAD: 30000,

Still getting the error? Am I going in the right direction by increasing "Timeout" to 30k? When you say, " Host the app yourself" are you also referring to using AGO Portal on my local server?

Thanks again for the input!

Hosting the app itself (not AGO Portal) is what I was referring to, and yes, those are the parameters to adjust for delaying triggering the timeouts.

After setting up Fiddler and monitoring the services for many days now, the only consistency I'm finding in this error is: It's failing on the service in certain cities? In those particular City services, I have removed the labels/ World_Boundaries_and_Places(even though I need them). This has reduced the error significantly. Any suggestions, help, or testing to the contrary would be greatly helpful.

This could be related to this known bug:

It seems that publishing a tile cache service which contains two basemaps will allow the app to work more consistently on mobile devices. In other words, using a single Web Map ID instead of two has better results. Is there any reason this would be the case?

Only thing I can think of is the extra request for the second web map, which probably can be slow on a mobile network