
Module compiled with Swift 5.0.1 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.1 compiler

Closed this issue · 8 comments


I'm using latest EstimoteProximitySDK version 1.4.1 and Xcode 11 beta (11M336w). When I build my project I'm getting Module compiled with Swift 5.0.1 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.1 compiler error. Can anyone please help? When can we expect Swift 5.1 update? Please let me know if i miss anything.


Any updates in this?

I have the same issue.

Same issue :-(

Thanks for your reports all, and sorry for the long wait! ^_^

We should have an update for Swift 5.1 very soon, hopefully by the end of this week.

The good news is, with Module Stability in Swift 5.1, this should be the last time you see an issue like this. Module Stability means that going forward, you can take a Swift 5.1 library (e.g., the next version of the Proximity SDK), and use it with any future Swift compiler (:

Looking for updated version soon! Thanks for the update.

1.5.0-beta1 is now available, in this repo and on CocoaPods, let us know if it works for you.

The final 1.5.0 will come after Xcode 11 releases as stable.

Will check and update you! Thanks!

I used the latest build and now it works with Xcode 11, not with Xcode 10 now! The same error is shown. I cleared my build to be sure about everything.