
minor gui issues (0.22)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

hxe commented

after switching the advanced options of an app (by long pressing etc), the item in the main list wont change until the app is closed and re-opened. e.g. if it originally says "(via Tor)" next to the app, and i change it to "bypass proxy" and press save, the list still shows "(via Tor)", until i kill the app and open it again, then it says "(via Bypass)". though i think its just a gui problem, i think that the actual rules do change, when the settings are saved.

also, when going to the advanced options of an app which was already set to "via bypass", unticking the "allow this application to bypass proxy" box, causes the radio boxes to become active again, but the radio box for "connection provider" doesnt get selected again. (in my case, Tor is the only one listed there). again, its not a big deal, pressing save then reopening the advanced settings will show it properly selected. the app just needs to re-select the default connection provider, after the bypass proxy box is unticked.


wow, fast tester :).

Regarding the list refresh: yep, I know it… Just couldn't get a clue on how to refresh it for now — but it's on the work bench.

Regarding the RadioButton, good catch, don't know why it removes the check… As it doesn't remove it for the connection type :(. I'll dig it, once the "wizard" is finished (yes… there will be a small wizard in order to introduce orWall).

Thanks for proofing this alpha-ui :)

hxe commented

looks like also ticking/unticking apps on the app list, when you scroll out of view, those tickboxes for the apps will revert. e.g. im at the top of my app list, and untick some apps, then scroll down til they become out of view, then scroll back up, they are ticked again. just a gui issue

CheckBox problem seems common: — will correct it.
Other points are corrected and should be OK in next alpha release.

ok, found out, patch is out. A new release will probably be pushed today.