
Name the hold script "gandalf" without version

Closed this issue · 19 comments

So currently the script is called "gandalf102" maybe it's better if it's called "gandalf" only. So you don't have to rename it every time you create a new package.

That'll be easy, I'll do it tomorrow (today? I run off of EST no matter where I am. It's how I think.)

You can do this without "hacks" like sed in the You can grep the correct package name during runtime :3

Yep. You can do that, but it's easier if there's only one script for all versions it's much easier for the user + developer (e.g. then mehulrao doesn't have to edit the app every time)

@JoniSC sorry for the lack of details in the message. I actually meant using something like grep to get a package name then holding it.

This is for making the gandalf command compatible with any version of the package.

Check the new branch I made. I won't open a PR for now since it's not tested. I don't have a JBed device to test on how does the commands behave on iOS. (Unless you can let me SSH in one of your devices :3 )

Check 005e3e2 for the simple modification

Let you ssh into my device... If I had 2... could you please send me a compiled version (I am away from my pc).

A "compiled" version isn't needed. I just need to test some commands to check how the commands behave in the iOS ecosystem.

I've written the command string according to how it works in linux. But not everything is portable between linux and iOS. (Evem other *NIX-based OS)

Ok. Could you please send the commands you want to test to me and I'll record my screen. I'll contact you if you have added an e-mail to your profile.

If you check the commit, you'll see the modifications I've made.
Basically, I need the output after running these commands.

dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W
dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W | grep io.github.ethanrdoesmc.gandalf
dpkg-query -f '${binary:Package}\n' -W | grep io.github.ethanrdoesmc.gandalf | head -n 1

The first one is needed to see if dpkg accepts the same parameters as the version I use on my Debian server.
The second one is to check whether grep will work the same way as on my server.
Third one is to check whether head is available by default and functions the same.

I expect things to work as this isn't complicated.

My email is

Just sent you a mail.

Didn't receive anything.

Then the modifications I made should work.

It just arrived a few minutes ago in my spam mailbox

Ok. Maybe because my email provider is unknown and has a .de


There's the reason

Ergh. Just realized that I have sent it from the "wrong" account (I have an other account from a local provider). But is a "semi" well known provider since it's from Microsoft.
