
System Uptime Bug

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I've noticed that if one's system has been up for several hours (sorry, not sure exactly how long it has to be up, at least 5 hours), then there will be an packing error. Some files (appears to be random) will be corrupt. In Oblivion, the existence of these corrupt files cause the game to freeze at loading the main menu. For Fallout and Skyrim, the resources do not appear in-game. So if there are corrupt files (like a mesh in this example), you will get the dreaded missing mesh sign.

My system has several days uptime, and there are no corrupt files.
After the description is seems very difficult to figure out what's the cause.

Hmm, I don't know. All I can tell you is if my system is up for a few hours (4-5+), then I tend to get corrupt files. When I go to extract a BSA which has corrupt files, it says it can't read the files, and do I want to skip or retry.

I have no clue as to why. Even with you not knowing why, you still know more about it than I do. :)