
Cmake tests broken, failed because it includes all tests from ethsnarks but doesn't build them

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This ia causing builds to fail on Travis, i thought I'd added an option to disable tests from Ethsnarks from being included, see from ethsnarks/srs/CMakeLists.txt


Then set the ETHSNARKS_DISABLE_TESTS flag in the parent cmake file.

However, when I run ctest, it tries to run all of the tests from the ethsnarks sub repo, but it doesn't build any of them so they all fail.

Only a limited subset of the ethsnarks code is built to speed up buils, and it should be excluding tests which aren't built.

Need to figure out how to fix this, so tests from dependent repos arent run if they're not built.

This has been fixed, it was due to the CACHE parameter for the set not overriding the option, and it being below the add_subdirectory directive.