
The specified new WEM file has an ID that does not already exist within this BNK!

Opened this issue · 7 comments

How do I fix this error?
I got these IDs from wwiseutil ( and put them in the conversion map but it gave me this error. How do I fix this?

I believe this may be a bug with the names of the files you are using as replacements. Let me check (i.e. 01.wem is throwing it off and it's trying to find 01 to replace) but I don't remember if I implemented that or not.

Regardless -- would you kindly attach the bnk file here as well as at least some of your replacement wem files? Thanks.

here. i have packed my files in this .zip file

Apologies for the delay, I have a lot of other work on my plate and haven't been able to tend to this issue yet. I will update you on the progress soon.

Thanks. Just take your time

Okay, I'm getting it to work fine, and now I was looking at this issue again, and I think I found the problem:


You seem to have forgotten to rename your conversion map file. It has to be ConversionMap.txt - if I had to guess, the example is still being used, and since the example's IDs are for No Man's Sky, it's complaining about invalid IDs.

Does renaming the map file to ConversionMap.txt fix it?

I think the file name is not the case because I copied the .txt file to test something then copy it's content to ConversionMap.txt then run the program. Like in this example as you can see:

Hello, I had the same issue as you did recently. I think the solution is to have a clean ConversionMap.txt ; so basically get rid of all those comments! And just have your conversion mapping present. Then it should run fine!