Application freezing
Opened this issue · 6 comments
I am on the most recent update but since Version I have had the issue where I can get the connections working from midi and to OBS but now whenever I try to edit the commands the application freezes - it seems to happen whenever i have it connected to OBS
Which command you try to edit ?
any of them - sorry for late reply
Could you drop me your keybind profile ? (located in %appdata%\MidiControl )
Yes, will do Sunday when i can
hi, I wasn't able to get it this week, but next week I should be able to get that profile but luckily with the new update some seemed to work - a few didn't as it seems propresentor seem to have changed their midi notes
Yo tuve que desinstalar y eliminar la carpeta ubicada en %appdata%\MidiControl, despues volvi a instalar para corregir el error.