
Default strategy for new Virtualization framework for Mac

chloerei opened this issue · 2 comments

Error/Feature Requestion/Docs

Feature Requestion

Docker Driver

Docker desktop for mac

Sync strategy


your docker-sync.yml

version: '2'

    src: './'


MacOS 12.3


I notice docker-sync check com.docker.hyperkit process to detect docker_for_mac.

def self.docker_for_mac?
return false unless Environment.mac?
return @docker_for_mac if defined? @docker_for_mac
@docker_for_mac = Environment.system('pgrep -q com.docker.hyperkit')

When open Use the new Virtualization framework in docker desktop, it should be com.docker.virtualization. docker-sync doesn't correctly detect docker_for_mac, then return unison for default strategy.

Set sync_strategy: native_osx fix the problem, but this can cause problems for other OS.

Is native_osx strategy work for new virtualization framework? can it fix by this code?:

@docker_for_mac = Environment.system('pgrep -q com.docker.hyperkit') ||  Environment.system('pgrep -q com.docker.virtualization')

I do no longer have a Mac/MacOS and thus are hard able to work on that issue - but you already pinned it down fairly well.

The question is, does the new virtualization work the same way as the old one and thus mapping it on docker_desktop is the right way - i guess we will learn.

The code that needs to be fixed is as you already suggested - since we detect the OS prior this, i suppose this will be enough.

Are you willing to provide a pr and test it? Would be awesome

I create a pr #801