
IgalM Review:

EugeneKrapivin opened this issue · 0 comments

  • Directory.Build.props and Directory.Build.targets Explain briefly what it is. don't just link externally
  • This sentence is way too long:Once we do a dotnet restore what happens is the MSBuild begins to prepare the project files for the build, firstly applying and adding the Directory.Build.props (the first it finds) to the beginning, that way you can move all the metadata to it and leave the csproj file for things that are project-oriented. At the end of the process, the target files are applied.
  • I would add a strategy paragraph. What are you trying to achieve. E.g. in a single location define the various dependency constraints. for each project just add the dependency not the version. Group dependencies together if they have similar constraints
    Like what would be the definition of awesome
  • Well it's a buzz word but you need like a tl;dr;: Problem statement: dll versioning is a nightmare
    Strategy: Let's centralize the version and distribute the dependencies
    then implementations: Paket as an example nuget as another