
Network Error When Connecting to Gateway Container

ThighCandy opened this issue · 1 comments

I have been trying to get Tabby Web setup and cannot for the life of me figure out how to get Web to work with the gateway. All three containers (web, database, gateway) spin up without error, but when I tried to add the gateway I get the following error:

Connection failed; AxiosError: Network Error


I can see in the logs for the containers that the gateway says "INFO:websockets.server:connection failed (400 Bad Request). If I enter the same address into my browser, I get a 426 error:


I suspect I'm dramatically misunderstanding how I need to have this all setup. My intentions were to have this only available locally, but do I need to have a public DNS entry and allow connections in from the outside for GitHub Authentication to work? And is that why the connection fails? If so, I do not currently have that configured.