Calling Dungeon.AddDungeon() multiple times for the same dungeon flow causes bugs
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Garcia2277 commented
For the same dungeon flow, I am trying to add it to different moons with different weights using the following code:
Dungeon.AddDungeon(Assets.dungeon, 300, Levels.LevelTypes.DineLevel, null);
Dungeon.AddDungeon(Assets.dungeon, 300, Levels.LevelTypes.RendLevel, null);
Dungeon.AddDungeon(Assets.dungeon, 69, Levels.LevelTypes.TitanLevel, null);
However, one moon will get the proper dungeon index and the others will get -1 index. As you can imagine, the game fails when it loads the -1 dungeon index. Can the API be updated for this use case?
EvaisaDev commented
Will look into it
Hamunii commented
This functionality is now deprecated, LethalLevelLoader should be used for dungeons instead.