
Restarting Corsair Service fixes H150i glitching in rainbow colours

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I installed the new v1.6.0-beta.1 and after about a minute or so, the cooler began flickering in all rainbow colours.

Attached above is the USB capture of me doing the following, in this order:

  • Exiting SignalRGB
  • Exiting FanControl
  • Starting Corsair Service
  • Stopping Corsair Service

Nothing logged in CorsairLink log, not even any checksum failures.

I was able to reproduce this by toggling Device Enabled to off and then on again in SignalRGB. Does that trigger this issue for you?


And now I can't reproduce it... ๐Ÿ˜…

I was able to reproduce this by toggling Device Enabled to off and then on again in SignalRGB. Does that trigger this issue for you?


No, I just spammed the toggle in SignalRGB many times and it worked as expected every time.

I just opened Steam and my cooler's outer ring LED's switched off, only the inner LED's behind the logo were lit up.

This appeared in my SRGB log when it happened:

Nothing in FanControl bugged out, and only two checksum failures got logged when this happened.

Restarting SRGB fixed the lighting.

I'm on the latest builds of everything.

A new bugged lighting effect developed after my PC was running for a while, here is a video of what it was doing with all device lighting set to #000000 (essentially off) in SRGB:
The hardware lighting effect for my H150i in iCUE is the "Rainbow Spiral" effect - not a pulsating effect like the video shows!

I also thought I'd get another USB capture, so here is that too:

As before, here is the process of the capture:

  • Closed SRGB
  • Closed FC
  • Started Corsair Service
  • Stopped Corsair Service

Nothing out of the ordinary in any logs.

Using the latest version of this plugin, signalrgb@2.3.52-beta+5d778ce6, and FanControl V179.

I've a similar issue with my h150i rgb elite.
Basically, eventually my pump lights start flickering (maybe when the pump tries to restart?) but eventually lights turn off entirely until i power cycle.
Background running programs: just HWInfo , so no signalRGB, no icue.

EDIT: .log file
(nothing related it seems?)

New build.


Worked about as well as the previous release did, up until about 1.5hrs of use.
Heard the Windows USB disconnect sound, the cooler's lighting froze for about 5 secs then fixed itself but the flickering rainbow lighting returned as soon as it fixed itself.
I had to exit everything and restart Corsair Service to fix it.

Here is my log file:

Side note, with this build, if SRGB is closed then the cooler's LED's flicker all together once every 5 seconds or so, for about 5 times before it stops.
For now, I will revert to the v1.6.0-beta.1 release as that seems more stable for me.

New build.


It's about the same as prev build for me, after a while the pump rgbs flicker and then go black.
I mean it's not a big deal, just...weird looking.

New build.


Same as before, just different rgb color when i boot the pc

New build.


Seems good for me so far, after about 2 hours of constant use.
No USB disconnections or lighting glitches.

Will keep an eye on it throughout the day and report back later today/tomorrow.

Edit: About 30 minutes after I posted this message, I was in the middle of playing a game (a different game that doesn't spam device requests!) and I heard a USB disconnection, the lighting froze for about 5 seconds again and then the rainbow flickering started.

Here is my log file:

For the record, when this happens with the v1.6.0-beta.1 release, the lighting doesn't flicker once it reloads - not sure if that's just luck, but thought I'd mention it.

Edit2: Of course, several hours after I made the above edit and reverted to v1.6.0-beta.1, my cooler displayed the solid blue colour in the middle, I reloaded the plugin in SRGB and then it flickered in rainbow colours. Had to restart Corsair Service again.

@Meh7991 Next time the lighting starts flickering, refresh sensors in Fan Control (or restart Fan Control). That should fix it.

@Meh7991 Next time the lighting starts flickering, refresh sensors in Fan Control (or restart Fan Control). That should fix it.

Nice, that worked - just randomly heard a USB disconnect noise, the lighting froze and then when it restarted, it was flickering again, doing a CTRL+R on the FanControl dashboard fixed it ๐Ÿ‘

Guessing there isn't a way that you could mimic that sensor refresh in the plugin when it reloads the device after the consecutive read/write fails? Or shall I just keep manually refreshing it as and when I need to?

Edit: this was done with the most recent build you supplied above -


Guessing there isn't a way that you could mimic that sensor refresh in the plugin when it reloads the device after the consecutive read/write fails? Or shall I just keep manually refreshing it as and when I need to?

Currently testing a way to fix it automatically.

New build.


Trying it right now; first thing i can notice (again, i just run fancontrol, no rgbsignal, no icue) is that the pump rgb is a different color on boot (pale blue instead or the usual rainbow). Right now trying to let it run to reproduce any issues

EDIT: went black

New build.


Seems to have been more stable for me throughout today. I haven't heard any USB disconnect sounds, and the lighting hasn't glitched at all.
The only thing I noticed, when I launched a game tonight the lighting on the cooler's outer LED ring all switched off, and the inner LED's switched to a static blue.

The above occurred at 22:06:01 in my log, and it did not produce a USB disconnect sound:
Refreshing sensors in FanControl fixed it.

Edit: Just got a USB disconnect sound this morning upon launching my browser, so it isn't just games that cause this. This time, though, the lighting froze and restarted itself just fine.

Tonight, I finished playing Dying Light 2, everything was fine while it was running but more or less as soon as I closed it, FanControl popped up saying multiple errors were detected.

My CorsairLink log file was getting spammed (sorry it's quite large, I don't delete it often anymore):

Refreshing sensors in FC didn't fix it, restarting FC didn't fix it, SignalRGB's log was going mad with device failures and messages like "Corsair mutex isn't being released" - I did screenshot the log, but I forgot to save it somewhere before I power cycled...
Before power cycling, I tried restarting Corsair Service, but that did nothing either.

22:44 is when FC restarted after power cycling, the issue began at 22:37:25.

All working now since power cycling, thought I'd mention it here.

@Meh7991 @Profetorum Any major issues since the previous build?

@Meh7991 @Profetorum Any major issues since the previous build?

The only issue I have with it is the rgb flickering and then going black when the pump restarts. It happens quite often but other than that, it works

EDIT: oh wait, if there's a new build I still have to try it!

Going to try beta3 tomorrow and comment back

@Meh7991 @Profetorum Any major issues since the previous build?

Every so often, my cooler will reboot (along with the USB disconnect sound) and, weirdly, every time that happens, I notice the middle-left LEDs always go blue.
Upon the device rebooting, it fixes itself, just a weird quirk whenever it needs rebooting I suppose?
And, when the cooler needs rebooting, 25% of the time all of the outer LEDs switch off completely (go black) and none of them turn blue.
Again, when it reboots it fixes itself.

I haven't had to restart Corsair Service in quite a while which is great!

In the past month or so, I have needed to manually refresh the sensors in FanControl only a couple of times when the cooler has failed to reboot itself.

I noticed there's a new beta - I'll install that tomorrow unless you have any other specific builds for us to try?

v1.6.0-beta.3 is the "official" build with the latest changes from this thread - should be functionally equivalent to what you have been using.

@Profetorum What are you using for RGB control? I effectively reset the RGB after a reboot occurs and it ends up in "direct lighting" mode (meaning software-controlled).

v1.6.0-beta.3 is the "official" build with the latest changes from this thread - should be functionally equivalent to what you have been using.

@Profetorum What are you using for RGB control? I effectively reset the RGB after a reboot occurs and it ends up in "direct lighting" mode (meaning software-controlled).

I don't use any software for RGB control; pump just goes black for that reason I suppose. When I reboot it's the classic rainbow color again. Im going to try signalRGB maybe :)

v1.6.0-beta.3 is the "official" build with the latest changes from this thread - should be functionally equivalent to what you have been using.

Alright ๐Ÿ‘ In that case there shouldn't be any problems for me but I'll keep you updated.

I effectively reset the RGB after a reboot occurs and it ends up in "direct lighting" mode (meaning software-controlled).

Regarding this, in iCUE, I have my cooler set to one of the rainbow spirals for hardware mode but, when FanControl launches, it sets the cooler to a static, full brightness white colour.
I don't have any problems with it doing this because SignalRGB kicks in soon after FC launches on startup, but thought I'd let you know.
It also does this when I manually close SignalRGB.

@Meh7991 New build. This one allows customizing the default direct lighting during the device reboot process using Windows environment variables. (Fan Control will need to be restarted if you change these values.)

Environment Variable Name Purpose Example
FANCONTROL_CORSAIRLINK_DIRECT_LIGHTING_DEFAULT_RGB Default direct lighting color in R,G,B format 255,0,0
FANCONTROL_CORSAIRLINK_DIRECT_LIGHTING_DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS Default direct lighting brightness in percent. 100

@Profetorum Still working on restoring the default hardware lighting after a device reboot.


@Meh7991 New build. This one allows customizing the default direct lighting during the device reboot process using Windows environment variables. (Fan Control will need to be restarted if you change these values.)

Lovely - I can now have my cooler be 25% bright instead of a blinding 100% when it reboots, and when I close SignalRGB, thanks!

@Meh7991 New build. This one allows customizing the default direct lighting during the device reboot process using Windows environment variables. (Fan Control will need to be restarted if you change these values.)

Environment Variable Name Purpose Example
FANCONTROL_CORSAIRLINK_DIRECT_LIGHTING_DEFAULT_RGB Default direct lighting color in R,G,B format 255,0,0
FANCONTROL_CORSAIRLINK_DIRECT_LIGHTING_DEFAULT_BRIGHTNESS Default direct lighting brightness in percent. 100
@Profetorum Still working on restoring the default hardware lighting after a device reboot.


I've tried the linked build but it doesn't seem to fix the "issue" - which i repeat is just an issue with the RGB.
Basically it sets a blu-ish color on startup, then after a while, when rebooting the pump, it either re-sets the pale blue color or it goes full black.

I'm not using any RGB control softwares

Is there a way to set the "rainbow" default RGB behavior through environment variables?

Is there a way to set the "rainbow" default RGB behavior through environment variables?

Not yet. I'm going to track that in #170 since the original issue here has been resolved.