
nerd sniped by derek and todd

Primary LanguagePython

Basic Cursor Detector (BCD)


Implements a basic multi-scale cursor detection using openCV.


  1. Works across multiple scales.
  2. Works (at all!) (see below)

To view the processed video, please check this link.


  1. May not function effectively on non-white backgrounds, though conversion to grayscale could mitigate this issue (results may vary).
  2. Performance is fucked


Install using uv and run using python.

#If you haven't installed UV yet, run the following command:
curl -LsSf https://astral.sh/uv/install.sh | sh

# create a venv with uv

uv venv

# activate venv

source .venv/bin/activate

# install reqs (just opencv)

uv pip install -r requirements.txt

# run the thing

python main.py

# hit space or any key when you are done viewing the image

To run on a video

python video.py

# Or, if you want to parallelize the processing, 

# this has a dependency on FFMPEG - if you don't have it installed on your machine, install it
python paralell_video.py

My m2 does a 7 second 2.5k video @ 30 fps in about 8 minutes using the parallelized script