Petshop CRUD Project


This project is a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application for managing client profiles in a pet shop. The main goal was to learn how to use CRUD operations, interact with a RESTful API using fetch, and handle asynchronous operations with async/await and try-catch blocks.

Key Features

  • Create, Read, Update, and Delete client profiles
  • Handle asynchronous operations with fetch API
  • Use of async/await for cleaner code


Additional Information

  • This project is part of the JavaScript course from freeCodeCamp.
  • Developed by Evelin Alvarado.
  • Find me on GitHub and LinkedIn.

Check out the live project: Petshop CRUD Project
The link for the JSON server used from Vercel


If you encounter any issues with the live deployment, you can clone the repository and run it locally. Use the following command to set up a local server:

git clone
cd petshop-project-crud-js-async
json-server --watch ./db.json --port=3000